On December 14, the Kosovo operator will take over the electricity supply of North Kosovo – Economy


Kosovo’s electricity market and transmission operator (KOSTT) will take over the supply of electricity to municipalities in northern Kosovo on December 14, Pristina media reported.

On December 14, the Kosovo operator will take over the electricity supply of North Kosovo 1Photo: BETAPHOTO / DRAGAN GOJIC

The electricity exchange between JP EPS and KOSTT, which has existed until now due to the supply needs of consumers in northern Kosovo, is expected to stop on that day.

KOSTT CEO Mustafa Hasani told Pristina media that a new Agreement on the connection of KOSTT and the European Network of Transmission System Operators (ENTSO) was successfully voted on April 20, 2020.

According to him, that agreement came into force on May 15, 2020, and since then KOSTT and Kosovo have become a regulatory area within CA’s regulatory bloc, with Albania.

He said the agreement stopped the diversion to the European international network to supply northern Kosovo.

Hasani stated that with the entry into force of the Agreement, the allocation of interconnection capacities and the congestion management of the Kosovo interconnection network will be done within the structure of the CA Regulatory Block, and no more EMS (Serbia) and that the income from these activities will belong to KOSTT.

This, he said, opens the way for KOSTT to integrate into the regional energy market, participate in the Albanian Energy Exchange (APEX) and put the 400 kV Kosovo-Albania line into operation.

In other words, KOSTT will now start “independent operational work”, which is part of the agreement with ENTSO, and as of December 14, it will operate independently of the Serbian transmission system operator, Elektromreža Srbije (EMS).

At the same time, EPS’s sister company Elektrosever is not registered or licensed with the Kosovo Electricity Office, but this does not affect KOSTT’s ability to take full control of the system and infrastructure in northern Kosovo.

The Kosovo Electricity Office notes that Elektrosever has not complied with Kosovo regulations in the license applications submitted so far, and that without complying with them in the license application, it will not obtain a license.

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