BOBA DID NOT SURVIVE THE PICK UP OF THE TRAIN: This is a girl who passed away today near Subotica


The accident occurred around eight o’clock, when the passenger train, which runs on the Subotica – Sombor route, collided with a “golf course” with Kikinda license plates, and after a side collision, the locomotive pushed the car another fifty meters.

The rail crossing was secured with ramps and signage and, as we learned, at the time of the investigation, the ramps and bumpers were raised. The investigation will determine if the driver had a white or yellow signal, that is, if the signaling on the railroad was incorrect, as well as if the fog was the cause of the accident.

– If the driver had a white signal, it means that everything is fine, but if the signal was yellow, he was warned that there was a problem with the ramps, that is, that he had to reduce speed at the level crossing – we found out from a source close to the investigation.

Yesterday it was announced in the Subotica media that the train drivers allegedly warned the authorities on Tuesday night that the control signal at Bajmok was not working, but they could not confirm this information from the “Serbian Railway Infrastructure”.


– “Serbian Railway Infrastructure” and “Serbian Train” express their deepest condolences to the family of the victims – it is stated in the advertisement “Serbian Railway Infrastructure” and adds that the Railway Commission for Emergency Events will determine the causes that led to this accident.

Eyewitnesses to the accident say there was heavy fog on the road, that they heard the train siren and that the scene was horrible. Teams of police, ambulance and firefighters quickly arrived at the scene of the accident, who had to cut the vehicle to remove the unfortunate woman, who still showed signs of life. Unfortunately, she quickly succumbed to her injuries.

As “Novosti” learns, the family of victim Slobodanka comes from Croatia, where they came from as refugees. Her parents and brother Branko are in Banatski Veliko Selo, and she has been living in Novi Sad for some time. Her fiancé is reportedly from the vicinity of Bajmok, where she was killed yesterday morning. She was involved in various jobs, often working as a promoter for various products and services. He often posted photos from the car on social media, and there is a suspicion that on that fateful morning, while he was driving, he was talking to his mother on the phone.

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