A famous journalist lost the battle for his life


DEATH DRAGAN MILIVOJEVIC: A famous journalist lost the battle for his life

Photo: Facebook print screen

Dragan Milivojevic passed away today. As Tanjug reports, the famous journalist lost the battle with the corona virus.

Milivojevic graduated from the Faculty of Political Science at the University of Belgrade, specializing in International Relations, and obtained a master’s degree from the Faculty of Organizational Sciences.

photo: Facebook

He began his journalistic career in the student radio “Indeks” and in the youth program “Putokaz” of the Second Belgrade Radio Program, where he later presented a program dedicated to economic issues “Delometar”. Received the “Brave Flower” award for youth journalism. He collaborated in numerous newspapers – “Radu”, “Novosti”, “Interview”, “Politika’s World”, “Borba” … He got his first permanent job in the Information Program of the then Television Novi Sad, where he was one of the younger editors, editing and directing “Dnevnik” and other programs of this media house. He reported on the most important events in the country and the world and won one of the prizes of the then JRT. He then moved to the “Vjesnik” in Zagreb, to the post of foreign policy commentator, news editor and front page of this newspaper. He was a special reporter from Italy, but also from numerous events in the country and the world. He also collaborated in the German “Stern”, he was an accredited correspondent in Greece for the daily “Telegraf”, he collaborated in the weekly “Economist”, “Bankar”, “Vreme”, “Dan” from Podgorica and their publications.

Two decades ago, he got a job at the daily “Dnevnik”, first as a foreign policy commentator and foreign policy editor, and then as a political commentator and editor of the Belgrade Correspondence. He was awarded the first journalistic prize three times for covering events in the country and abroad. As part of his professional training, he conducted international trainings and seminars in the field of European integration in Hungary, Slovakia, the Czech Republic and studied in Brussels, Berlin, Strasbourg and the Middle East.

Dragan Milijevojevic was the deputy director general of “Nova Communications”, one of the authors of the book “Dossier of Vojvodina”, as well as part of the circle of founding intellectuals of the Progressive Club.

He was a member of the POKS Presidency and an international secretary.

POKS ‘first man Zika Gojkovic said goodbye to Dragan Milojevic.


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