Zulibrk on Corruption: If you say the Council is of no use, it’s a clear message


The main problem in the fight against corruption is not the inefficiency of the courts, but the fact that key cases never reach the courts, believes the director of the Transparency Serbia program, Nemanja Nenadic, while the editor-in-chief of the weekly NIN Milan Culibrk is convinced that the fight against corruption will not begin until the system is changed.

“We have changed government several times since October 5, but the system has not changed. The people who have more or less continued doing what was done before have changed, but now they have further specialized some mechanisms and have improved them still. more for myself, “Ćulibrk explained in the FoNet News Agency’s Kvaka 23 series.

As he recalled, this government has always promised a fierce fight against corruption, but citizens still do not know in which pockets their money ends.

According to Ćulibrko, around ten percent of the value of the entire investment is paid for “job placement” in construction projects, which is a huge amount of money when it comes to works worth between 500 million and one billion euros. .

Referring to the recent report of the Anti-Corruption Council, which points to systemic corruption in the Serbian Railways, loans that no one controls and huge losses, despite budget allocations, he especially pointed out the problem of interstate agreements, without tender prior public.

“The agreement on the reconstruction of the Belgrade-Bar railway is also a direct interstate agreement, signed during the Boris Tadic era for about a billion dollars. A decade and a half have passed and we have no idea what has been made or how much money has been made. it has been spent, “illustrated Zulibrk. .

nemanja nenadićSource: H1

On the other hand, Nenadic recalls that there were sporadic cases of the signing of contracts without a tender, but that it began to be applied en masse in 2012, from the case of the United Arab Emirates and Belgrade on water, privatization of agricultural land or Air Serbia.

“We have practically come to the conclusion that there is no infrastructure project that is being carried out based on an open tender, where everyone can apply and where the best price is achieved through competition,” he said.

According to its assessment, the Council’s report shows that it is not known whether the loans obtained for the reconstruction of the railway are properly controlled, because the ministries of Construction and Finance have different data.

Nenadic sees Aleksandar Vucic’s announcement that one of the new government’s priorities will be the fight against corruption as a search for the culprit and the transfer of responsibility to the judiciary.

As he pointed out, the government has not sufficiently fulfilled its promises, it can no longer accuse the previous ruling parties of corruption, and that is why it is now looking for a target in the judiciary.

Corruption cannot be resolved just along party lines, within the ruling party, which Nenadic compares to the situation in China, where there is an anti-corruption commission within the Communist Party.

On the reaction of the Ministry of Construction, which announces the analysis of the work of the Anti-Corruption Council and its reform, he told FoNet that the Government, above all, should have dealt with the report on the Serbian Railways.

“The basic order would be for the Government to come out with its findings, to say – here, this is not true, here we have additional information, this recommendation has already been met, this is unacceptable, to refer to the report as such,” explained Nenadic. .

Ulibrk has a similar attitude, who also points out that this government’s strategy is based on convincing us that “everything is really cool.”

According to him, the interest of the Government is to have as few witnesses as possible of disobedience, that the fewest number of people know and that the fewest possible number point out possible places of corruption.

“Even if nothing the Council wrote in its report is true,” Zulibrk believes, “it is not a way to threaten to shut down, but one must sit down, talk, discuss, present bills.”

“And so when you say flatly that the Council is useless and that it would be better to shut it down, it is a clear message, not only for the Council, but for all of us,” concluded Zulibrk.
