ZUKORLIC EDUCATION, BECIC SERVICE CONTROL … Chairs of various committees were elected in the Serbian Parliament


Today, the presidents of several parliamentary committees were elected in the Serbian Parliament, so the Committee for the Control of Security Services in this call will be led by the SNS deputy Igor Bečić, and the Defense and Internal Affairs Committee by the SNS deputy Aleksandar Marković.

The new president of the Culture Committee is SNS deputy Sandra Božić.

The parliamentary committee on finance, the budget of the republic and the control of the spending of public funds will be headed, as before, by the SNS deputy Aleksandra Tomić, while the deputy of the Hungarian Vojvodina Alliance, Elvira Kovač, was elected President of the Parliamentary Commission for European Integration.

Deputy Muamer Zukorlić was elected chair of the Committee on Education, Science, Technological Development and Information Society, and SNS deputy Katarina Rakić will be the chair of the Committee on Spatial Planning, Transport, Infrastructure and Telecommunications.

Darko Laketić, a deputy of the SNS, will be the president of the Health and Family Committee. while the Labor Committee will be chaired by SPAS deputy Radovan Tvrdisic.

The new chairman of the committee for human and minority rights and gender equality is Muamer Bacevac, a deputy from the Serbian Social Democratic Party (SDPS), and the chairman of the committee for environmental protection is SPS deputy Ljubinka Rakonja.

VIDEO: Session of the Assembly of Serbia
