Zujovic: By choosing the people that Vucic decorated, he supported himself


Pulmonologist Dejan Žujović points out that crisis personnel are a one-man tummy fighter and flux boiler for the needs of the current regime. He states that by choosing the person whom he decorated for his exceptional contribution to the fight against coronavirus, President Aleksandar Vučić gave himself support, that is. I support the decisions that he made and implemented them through the crisis staff. He adds that our health care system has “still disintegrated.”

“Maybe we are a little too strict with Mr. President. For the first time in so many years, he approached his constitutional powers and we immediately jumped to criticize him.” The choice of the person to distinguish himself is to support himself, that is. support for decisions made by himself and implemented through crisis staff. In doing so, he gives himself an alibi. I would like him to continue sharing decorations and that would be ideal for society. The choice of those who received decorations could have been much better “, estimates Žujović in Dan live on TV N1.

He adds that some should not have received the decoration, because “they were never his”, such as his friend, pulmonologist Vlado Žugić, who died suddenly in August this year.

“Vlada Žugić, my friend, was placed on the dark side of power with this decoration, it was never Darth Vader, but Luke Skywalker, it was always Johnny Cash of Serbian medicine, and that decoration pushes him to a basket where he does not belong”, says Žujović.

He pointed out that the Crisis General Staff is a one-man tummy fighter and flow boiler for the needs of the current regime, noting that current measures are not appropriate to the epidemiological situation.

“You can’t ride a bike your whole life; now the cafes will work, now they won’t work, now we need this, now they won’t. If the goal is to protect the population, then there is work to be done,” says Zujovic.

“If the epidemic could be suppressed with television appearances, we would be world champions. The epidemic is not suppressed in hospital rooms and intensive care units. My medical colleagues leave their souls in those rooms, they have been wearing space suits since March , but they do (epidemic) they do not solve, “he added.

When asked who then solves the epidemic, he points out that “it must be solved by the gentlemen who sit in the epidemiological institutes”, as well as that the measures must be strictly respected and strictly controlled. “It should not be controlled by a police officer, but by an epidemiologist,” says Zujovic.

Commenting that the discos are still open and full every night, he says “look who the owners of those discos are.”

“We always put aside a group of people who need to make a profit, and then the finger points to us that we are disobedient, uncivilized,” he says.

The collapse of the healthcare system

He warns that the more infected we have, the more serious cases we will have and that “we are reaching a very red zone, there is no one left to work.”

Now all the nonsense that was done in previous years comes to the fore, such as the decree prohibiting employment in the public sector, so equate a doctor with a counter clerk … And then there are no approved specializations, no income of doctor, and it ends without more doctors. “, says Žujović, adding that currently the most lacking are anesthesiologists.

When asked how close we are to the moment of the disintegration of the healthcare system, he emphasizes that “the system has disintegrated even more for us. This is a home theater that is happening in this country, and it did not deserve it. “.

“If you, as a cancer patient, cannot do a chest scan, but you have to go to a private person and have paid for health insurance for 30 years, then there is no system. This system has collapsed,” says Zujovic.

He also points out that the expert services of all the Western Balkan countries should have met and proposed a joint solution in the fight against the epidemic, because “this cannot be solved without cooperation with other societies, with your neighbors.”

“Even if Serbia is the best in the world, we will never solve this if Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Hungary, all our neighbors do not solve it. It is simply impossible, it will always overflow in our country,” says Zujovic.

“We act like sailors, and each ship is half full of water, we sink together, but we look at each other and see who is better,” he added.

Our immunity cannot be compared to Sweden’s.

When asked if there can be some silent probing, that is, creating herd immunity, all the time, he points out that this society cannot be compared with the Swedish one.

“Our residents have been systematically destroyed in the last 30 years: quality of life, food, water, air, monthly income, etc. Our immunity cannot be compared to that of Sweden, we will always have a greater number of deaths than Sweden, if we go down that road, “Zujovic said. .

He believes that the curfew is a reflection of the inability of society to deal with this situation, that is, the inability of the ruler and the Crisis Staff. And when asked how he can combat the epidemic, he answers “with knowledge, honesty, correct work, measures reasonably adopted, explaining to the population why measures are being taken, and not that half the population does not believe in the existence of the disease. crown”.

“We are entering a total disintegration as a society. You have crazy recommendations from crisis personnel, you have complete fragmentation of society so that we can no longer agree on a single point,” says Zujovic.

“This story will end one day. Don’t wake up with donkey ears, say you didn’t know,” he warns.

Read more about kovid-19 and the consequences of the pandemic in the country and the world on the page. Coronavirus
