Zrenjanin approved a project for the treatment of wastewater from companies in the Emirates


In today’s extraordinary session, the deputies of the Zrenjanin City Assembly approved, by majority vote, the proposal for the wastewater treatment project in Zrenjanin.

This project should solve a big problem, since Zrenjanin does not have a treatment system and all the wastewater is discharged into Begej.

The decision authorizes the Mayor of Zrenjanin to enter into a contract with Metito Utilities Limited of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) on the implementation of the project, which includes engineering, procurement, construction, financing, management, maintenance and transfer.

The rapporteur on that point, Goran Rakić, said today that this is a very important project for Zrenjanin, and that the need for a sewage treatment plant has existed for a long time.

Rakic ​​said that this project is part of a larger national and international project and recalled that Serbia has concluded a Cooperation Agreement with the United Arab Emirates, on the basis of which the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management concluded a memorandum of understanding on wastewater treatment with the company. Metito Utilitis, which is also the owner of that project.

“The contract would oblige the investor to provide financing, build and manage the plant, the contract has a value of more than 20 million euros, and carrying out the investment would create new jobs in the city, so in addition to the undoubted environmental interest, citizens will benefit enormously, “he said. it’s Rakic.

Speaking about the importance of the project, Zrenjanin Mayor Simo Salapura pointed to the question that Zrenjanin residents often ask, and that is “when will Begej be clean?” and pointed out that carrying out the project is one of the solutions and a step towards protecting the environment.

“If we are guided by the fact that only ten percent of the wastewater in Serbia is treated according to regulations and technology, then we can be proud that the construction of treatment plants in Zrenjanin increases that percentage and that Zrenjanin residents will have certain benefits when it comes to environmental protection. ” Salapura said.

He emphasized that the state of Serbia and the provincial government are behind that project, and that the project is in the state’s development strategy and is part of the sustainable development strategy of the city of Zrenjanin.

Salapura previously said that the treatment plant will be built on the site adjacent to the Southeast Ecka industrial zone, construction of the treatment plant is expected to start in twelve months at the latest, and then in twenty months at the latest, construction will be completed.

Today’s session was not attended by members of the League of Social Democrats of Vojvodina (LSV), and against the adoption were members of the Democratic Party of Serbia (DSS) and “Ya enough” (DJB) who, among other things, they complained that the decision-making of great importance for the city in extraordinary sessions.

They also say they doubt that the contract is “in favor of the people of Zrenjanin.”

Metito Utilities Limited (MUL) is a company incorporated in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. It was founded in 1958, as the first water treatment company in the Middle East.

The signing of a contract between the Zrenjanin City Council and that company has been announced for Monday.
