Zorana Mihajlović: Messages from men have started coming in … The minister spoke for the first time about what she faces



13.10.2020. 21:53

The theme of the program was also the proposal of the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, to the new prime minister that half of the new government is made up of women.

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Questionnaire, photo: screen printed

Serbian Government Minister Zorana Mihajlović spoke on RTS’s “Questionnaire” program about women in politics and their influence.

The theme of the program was also the proposal of the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, to the new prime minister that half of the new government is made up of women.

Minister Mihajlović commented on this proposal by the President of Serbia and then spoke of an unusual situation that happened to her afterwards.

Mihajlović supported Vučić’s idea and shared with the public the reactions he received.

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Questionnaire, photo: screen printed

– Immediately after that proposal by President Vučić, messages began to arrive … Most of them were messages from men and their reactions, and they were not positive at all – said Mihajlović.

He then revealed the content of the messages he received.

– They wrote to me: Well, just be a woman and be a member of the government. Many still have this attitude of disdain for women. There is still no belief in the ability of women to perform the most important functions of the country, and that is what is wrong. We must work to change that understanding in society, and I hope that President Vučić’s proposal will be accepted and that women will deny all those who doubted them, Mihajlović concluded.
