Zorana Mihajlović – conflict with Dušan Bajatović


Yesterday, the new Energy Minister, Zorana Mihajlović, expelled the director of Srbijagas, Dušan Bajatović, from the meeting. Apparently Bajatović came without associates and the minister could not accept that. Zorana Mihajlović said that it will no longer be possible to work in public companies as before, while the director of Srbijagas is silent.

Manifestation of force, action or Cold War … Right at the beginning of the work of the new Government, an old and new conflict between the SNS and the SPS.

Mihajlovic: Mr. Bajatovic, please leave the meeting.

Bajatovic: Why should I leave the meeting?

Mihajlovic: Get out of the meeting!

Bajatović: I will not leave the meeting!

Mihajlovic: Get out of the meeting, call security!

Zorana Mihajlović has already headed the energy department in Aleksandar Vučić’s government. Even then there was a conflict with Bajatović. In 2013, Zorana Mihajlović called for reforms in Srbijagas and said that she had spent too much money for that company and that there was no real result.

“That sector has been controlled by the SPS until now and now it has been ruled out in a spectacular way. It was wanted to show transparently that the SPS can no longer influence the policy that is followed in the energy sector,” said the editor in Beta boss, Dragan Janjic.

Bajatovic: I didn’t do anything wrong.

Mihajlović: Yes, because when someone from the government invites you and tells you to attend a very important meeting, it is disrespectful, not to me, but to the Government of Serbia.

Bajatovic: “Thank you for this.”

After being expelled from the meeting, the director of Srbijagas did not make himself known, but the new former minister did so on his Instagram profile: “The way things have been done in some public companies so far will no longer be possible”.

The Minister of Energy ensures that she is not interested in the name of any director, as long as he is doing his job well.

“I want to create the leading sector in Serbia from energy and mining, there is no reason why, as we have built up the construction industry, we should not do the same with such an important sector,” says Mihajlović.

“The message is two-way, so a message is for the Russian side: you can no longer do energy deals with them, you will have to be with us, and the other message is that their influence is not as great as it used to be,” he believes. Dragan Janjic.

We remind you that in 2013, when asked why, as a minister, she raised her hand in the Government session and was in favor of Bajatović remaining the director of Srbijagas, Zorana Mihalović replied that she was not happy with such a decision in the coalition government.
