11.10.2020. 15:10
– Only a society can advance in which women, as well as men, participate in all matters. As the formation of the Coordinating Body, at the suggestion of the then Prime Minister and now President Aleksandar Vučić, was revolutionary, I am convinced that with more women in the Government we will send a clear message that Serbia is becoming a society of equal opportunities for all. is the Deputy Prime Minister of the Government of Serbia and President of the Coordinating Body for Gender Equality, Prof. Dr. Zorana Mihajlovic

Zorana Mihajlović, Photo: Tanjug / Dragan Kujundžić
Mihajlovic referred to the position of women in Serbian society and the challenges and attacks that she herself faces.
– All my life I had to prove myself and it was much more difficult at work than my male colleagues. Every woman will understand. Because the result and the success are the most difficult to forgive. However, no matter how difficult it was for me, I am not in this business to get a pat on the shoulder, but because I deeply believe that as a woman in a position I can help other women, to pave the way for girls. and women who are to come and that is my wind. in the back. That is good for women, but also for our country and our economy and for the creation of a modern and developed society, she said.
Mihajlovic told women never to give up their dreams, because they are life and that no one can take away their knowledge, their work and their results.

Zorana Mihajlović, Photo: RINA
– My parents raised me so that there are no things that I cannot do if I want to, and that knowledge and financial independence are the most important thing for me as a child. With your support, they created a strong personality that overcame all obstacles in life, with the knowledge and strength of their arguments. And that is why when they measure the length of my skirt, the color of the helmet at the construction site or deliberately call me “blonde Zoran” because blonde jokingly is synonymous with stupid woman, I spread it all like dry leaves in the wind and it I leave behind. Here, those attacks carry a lot of weight, says Vice President Mihajlović.
The Deputy Prime Minister added that it is much more difficult for women to reconcile private and business life, and that it is important to help men to be true partners and share unpaid work with women.
– Gender equality should not divide us and it is not just a women’s issue. We often contribute to gender stereotypes ourselves. Women should also be more supportive of each other, to show respect and not envy and jealousy, we lack that. And we must learn that from the men who stick together. And I want all the women who will be ministers in the new government to have confidence in themselves and in their work and to be proud of everything they have achieved and what they will do now in the government. I invite you to cooperate and show that women can lead Serbia even more quickly and efficiently, Mihajlović noted.
Certainly, the Deputy Prime Minister is right about the equality of women in society. However, it is impossible not to notice Mihajlović’s fashionable combination. He overshadowed everyone present with his fashion success.