Zoran Vuletić: Dodik called for the lynching of Sonja Biserko, he and Vučić in panic – Politika


Today, the president of the Civic Democratic Forum Zoran Vuletic accused the Serbian member of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina Milorad Dodik of calling for the lynching of the president of the Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in Serbia, Sonja Biserko, and assessed that Dodik and the Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic were “in a panic”.

Zoran Vuletić: Dodik called for the lynching of Sonja Biserko, he and Vučić in panic 1Photo: BETAPHOTO / MILOS MISKOV

“It is obvious that Milorad Dodik and his current host Aleksandar Vučić are in a great panic.” Trump lost the election and the European Union refused to write false reports on Serbia’s non-existent progress, so no chapter has been opened in the integration process, “Vuletic said in a statement.

He added that it was clear that Western democracies would no longer tolerate “the anti-democratic and pro-Russian regimes of Vučić and Dodik, as key factors of instability in the region.”

“Dodik announced on behalf of Vučić that Serbia will face difficult days in which the regime will try to preserve itself using naked force against political dissidents. The time of internal terror for all those who do not obey this government is yet to come,” Vuletic said.

“We call on the citizens of Serbia and our Western allies to persevere in the fight against the progressive regime and ask Vučić’s spokesman, Dodik: by what right do you accuse him of working against your country, when you do all days, destroying the most entrenched state of which he is a citizen? ” “Bosnia and Herzegovina,” he said.

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