Zoran Veselić will be buried in his native Laćark 22 years after his death


The remains of Zoran Veselić (1972-1999), a soldier who died in Košare in 1999, will be collected in Priština tomorrow, after almost 22 years, and buried on Friday in his hometown of Laćark, near Sremska Mitrovica.

Veljko Odalovic, president of the Commission for Missing Persons of the Government of Serbia, will take over the body of Veselic, who was a volunteer in the regular units of the VJ, tomorrow at 10 am at the Institute of Forensic Medicine in Pristina.

– Veselić died on April 19 with two comrades in arms in Maja glava na Košarama. The remains, which were found last year, were identified in November 2020, and this is the first delivery of the body in Pristina since September 2019, when we took over the remains of seven people who were brutally murdered in a bunker in Gjakova.

Then we find the remains of the Sutaković family: parents and three minor children, as well as the Petrović couple. We are looking for six more bodies of Košar soldiers, although there is some information about possible places where they rest, we deliver them in Priština – says Odalović for Kurir.

The remains of Zoran, who was born on February 12, 1972 in Sremska Mitrovica and died in Košare at the age of 27, will be received tomorrow in Laćark and then buried by his uncle because this family had a terrible fate. A year after Zoran’s death, his father passed away, and a year ago his mother passed away, so at least they didn’t wait for their son to go to the grave. The brother is currently serving a prison sentence. – Zoran will be buried with military honors in Laćark – says Odalović.


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Author: delivery courier
