Zoran Radovanović on new measures against coronavirus: limiting the work of rafts


Epidemiologist Zoran Radovanovic said that in a situation where the whole of Europe is locked in and introduces stricter measures against the coronavirus, Serbia could apply intermediate solutions between the use of masks and the introduction of the curfew, and that according to common sense It would be effective to limit the raft work to 20 hours. , and even before.

He emphasized for H1 that in order to propose other measures, he would have to have an idea of ​​all the relevant data on the country’s situation, which he does not have.

“It would be not very serious for anyone, including me who have no formal responsibility, to state what measures are the most convenient until they have an idea of ​​the entire epidemiological situation … I have a lot to have, the situation is analyzed in a complex way and they measures, but without I can say that, for me, even without that research, based on common sense, it would be effective to limit the work of these rafts. on what to live, “said Radovanović.

He emphasizes that waiters should be provided, but not those who provide rafts, and that “some money must be set aside for the poor to survive.”

“If you shortened the working hours of the rafts and clubs to 8 pm or earlier, you would do a lot,” Radovanovic estimates.

He also says that he saw criticism of such an attitude on social networks and the understanding that it is absurd that it cannot be infected during the day and after 11 p.m.

“I would cite my experience 60 years ago when my girlfriend’s mother forbade her to come home late, and my girlfriend said to her, ‘well mom, I’m with Zoran all day.’ power. ‘When it stays past midnight, it becomes more and more libertine, it jumps more and more, screams, screams … ”, says Radovanović.

It says about the measures applied in Serbia:

“First I would avoid the dichotomy or nothing or curfew, there are many solutions. We do not have a vaccine or an effective cure for this disease, the essence is that we cannot do much, and the goal of the epidemiologist is to flatten the curve so that there is no explosive rise and collapse. Healthcare system “.

The ultimate idea, he notes, is to fight the disease that way until the vaccine arrives, and as far as Serbia is concerned, that will likely happen in the second half of next year.

Radovanovic says that the essence of the whole world is to find a balance between the measures taken and the losses in the economy.

“We can save the catering companies so that they see that everything works normally, but it can happen that in a month the whole life ends and half of the workers get sick,” says the epidemiologist.

He also points out that he is surprised that there is constant talk about the legal framework that must be changed, so that is the reason for the passivity in the punishment for not wearing masks.

The existing law, he says, clearly stipulates the sanctions and who controls, and that is the sanitary inspectors.

“There are few, but authorizations can be given to communal inspectors. If changes to the law were necessary and if the law was in place, why wait eight months if that is what prevents the anti-epidemic fight? What wave are you waiting for, fourth – fifth yes? Would there be the possibility of approving a regulation or even without it to grant communal inspectors and some epidemiologists the powers of a sanitary inspector? This could technically and should have been resolved much earlier if we were to strictly abide by the law. , we knew there would be more waves ”, estimates Radovanović.

He also believes that the Crisis Staff is aware that it does not enjoy any reputation in the population, mainly because it aligned itself with politics, denied the existence of the disease until the elections and due to the silence of the falsification of data.
