ZIRINOVSKI DISCOVERED EVERYTHING ABOUT NAVAL: He’s the latest villain, he was recruited while he was a fellow! (VIDEO)


– He was recruited in the West a long time ago, when he was still an intern at Yale University – said the LDPR leader on the 60 Minutes program on Russia 1 television channel.

According to Zhirinovsky, before the election of Navalny, who is not widely known in Russia itself, the West relied on Boris Nemtsov and then on Mikhail Khodorkovsky.

Navalny was expected to “at least get a seat in the State Duma” in the elections, but that didn’t work either.

As for the fraud allegations, as Zhirinovski said, Navalny has been engaged in such activities since 2006, for 15 years. According to the leader of the Liberal Democratic Party, Navalny started a cooperation with the international fraudster William Browder, who taught him about economic fraud.

However, according to Zhirinovsky, Navalny opted for a more timely “political blackmail” of politicians and famous people, in order to blackmail them by “leaking” disparaging information on the Internet, which allowed him to earn money.

“Either they will pay to avoid this information, or they will pay the West,” Zhirinovski said.

– He is the latest villain who wants sanctions against his country, his people – said Zhirinovski.

Photo: Court press service.

Western countries, exaggerating the situation with Navalny, are striving to divert the attention of their own population from internal problems, said the head of the LDPR.

As for the possibility of applying new anti-Russian sanctions, then, according to Zhirinovsky, they do not pose a threat, since this resource “is already exhausted.”

– The time will come, we will answer them duly for sanctions and insults – promised Zhirinovski.

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