ZILHA IS SHERLOCK HOMS! Invisible chaos for Fetic’s wife! Edo found out if she cheated on him, and then used CONFUSION TACTICS to drive coworkers crazy! (VIDEO)


The members of the cooperative were completely obsessed with Fetić’s stories, so they barely grasped the direction in this routine.

Lepi Mića was asked to comment on the marriage of Zilha and Edis Fetić, as well as the video that members of the cooperative had the opportunity to view last night during the “Watching Footage” program.

I think Edo said the phrase, “I said I lied,” he initially denied, and admitted that he lied. The essence of the whole problem is that Edo never said the reason for the conflict between him and Zilha, there is no chance that the seasons will break like this. What if Zilha cheated on him? – Lepi Mića commented.

Photo: Pink TV Print Screen

Never, when it comes to that, never, “Edis said.

Edo deserves nothing more than a woman to leave, but I can’t understand. Zilha sent Ed away like in the army, like a hero, and she knew nothing, and as we know about Dragana’s correspondence with her, someone is lying there. Dragana says that Zilha sent her messages to be less than her husband, and that all normal women would not actually give their marriage, but instead would sit at home, Mića added.

If we don’t live together, I can do whatever I want – added Fetic.

Photo: Pink TV Print Screen

If Zilha filmed Ed on purpose, then Zilha is Sherlock Homs! – Mića intervened.

The cooperative members commented on the video of Zilha and Edis on the way to Šiamnovac, although Fetić said and denied that he did not remember that the video was made, they all started attacking him for it. The members of the cooperative developed a movie about what happened all the time, however, Fetić pretended to be naive all the time, not knowing what it was about, which further irritated everyone present.

Either you slept until Mrćajevci, or you lied! YOU insulted Dragan more here – said Mića.

I spoke the same words that I spoke to Dragana, I also spoke to Zilha, I even wrote her messages, Fetic admitted.

Photo: Pink TV Print Screen

Look at how everything looked in the video.

Author: O.B.
