Željko was run over by an ambulance driver in front of the house and LEFT HIM ON THE ROAD


THE KILLER HAD 3 TAP OF ALCOHOL IN BLOOD: Željka was beaten in front of the house by an ambulance driver and LEFT HIM ON THE ROAD

Illustration, Photo: Marko Smiljković, Marina Lopičić / Illustration

A 19-year-old young man, Željko Ristić, died in a serious traffic accident last night in the town of Šainovac near Doljevac, and according to members of his family, he was run over by a driver of the Doljevac ambulance who had 3 per thousand of alcohol in the blood.

Zeljko’s grandmother, Dragica Peric, said through tears that she was waiting for her grandson to return from work last night, according to Telegraf.rs.

Doljevac, a young man, died
photo: Marko Smiljković

– He will not come home and no … I am waiting for him to come home from work, I am waiting for him, he is not here, I am calling him, my call was denied, probably the police refused at that time. He got off the bus and that drunken fool with 3 percent alcohol in his blood hit him, killed the kid on the spot and ran away. He got to the ambulance, and there, in front of him, the doctors and the police found him drunk – says Grandma Dragica.

As he also said, while he was trying to catch his granddaughter, a police patrol arrived in front of the house, near which the young Željko died.

– I was in a nightgown when I saw an accident, I put on a robe, went out into the street, they brought me back, and I pushed them: “Let me see. I don’t have a son,” I said. They killed my son … He left my son lying there for half an hour … If I had plugged him in, maybe I would have saved his soul. My son would not be trampled by an ant. The whole town is crying for him – cried Zeljko’s grandmother.

Doljevac, a young man, died
photo: Marko Smiljković

The young man’s mother cried all the time, trying to calm down after the tragedy that befell her.

– The one who hit him was the ambulance driver Doljevac. He left the child lying … – said Vesna Ristic, Zeljko’s mother, choking in tears.

(Kurir.rs/Telegraf.rs. D. Kocic)

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