Zeljko Joksimovic buys Tanjug H1 Serbia


The private company Minacord media, owned by singer Željko Joksimović and co-owner of K1 television Manja Grčić, is buying the Tanjug news agency, Newsmax Adria has learned unofficially.

Tanjug did not want to confirm or deny this information for Newsmax Adria, and Manja Grčić replied in a message for this channel that it was not a purchase of Tanjug and that more would be known about the transaction in the next seven to ten days, he reports. Nova.rs.

By the way, Minacord Media owns several cable channels that are broadcast on Telekom’s distribution network.

The Tanjug news agency was supposed to stop operating on October 31, 2015, by decree of the Government of Serbia. According to that decree, Tanjug’s removal from the Trade Records Agency registry was supposed to be initiated by an authorized person after the payment of outstanding debts, but that did not happen five years later.

The Privatization Agency organized two public calls for the sale of Tanjug, which were declared unsuccessful because there were no interested buyers.
