07.09.2020. 17:52 – 07.09.2020. 18:00
We are broadcasting the CSO SNS Sabac announcement in its entirety.

SNS Sabac, Photo: Facebook
The Municipal Board of the Serbian Progressive Party Sabac strongly condemns the claims of the former mayor of Sabac, Nebojsa Zelenovic, that “the mafia is behind the SNS” and that “the mafia participated in the Sabac elections”.
In the fierce competition of Zelenović’s lies and fabrications, Zelenović deserves a special place, because he is the worst and the most perfidious. As we refuse to believe that Zelenović has a clear conscience, when he connects the Serbian Progressive Party in Šabac with the “mafia”, and everyone knows that it is Zelenović and his mentor Dušan Petrović who cultivate ties to crime, we believe that this is a psychological problem former mayor.
That is, it is a classic projection mechanism: the tendency of a person (Nebojsa Zelenovic) to transfer the contents of the subconscious that are not acceptable to other people, attributing similar characteristics to them.
That is why he accuses the “social media-related mafia” of driving cars and forcing people to vote for progressives, even though all of Serbia could clearly see that it was Zelenovic activists who were driving around cars and carrying bags of votes from one car to another.
Repeating for the thousandth time the accusations that he continues to repeat, Zelenovic, faced with a certain very recent and definitive fall from power, thinks that if he has convinced himself that “the mafia and the evil progressives” are to blame for his inaction and failure in the elections , can to pass to citizens.
Unfortunately for Šabac and Šabac, Zelenović was in power long enough and inflicted enough damage on Šabac and Šabac that no one believes in his fabrications anymore: Šabac voted, clearly it couldn’t be clearer, and showed him the way to political history. .
Zelenovic announced that he will address all “state and international institutions” and that he will insist on another repeat of the elections. With this, Zelenović denies the basic principle of democracy, and that is the right of citizens to choose the people who will represent them and manage the community. Obviously, for Zelenović and Petrović, the only fair elections are those in which they did not lose. Good calculation, they simply lack the support of the people, which they lost forever.
Perhaps Zelenović, explaining the crime that reigns in Šabac and is used for electoral purposes, could also mention Zoran Nenadović called China, the dirty businessman Dušan Petrović, who received orders directly from him. You can mention that China organizes and coordinates “field work”, that is, vote buying, for which Zelenović and Petrović are known. Pressure people in public companies to vote for Zelenović.
Zelenovic, be honest at least once, be a man. Sabac doesn’t love you anymore. Haven’t you had enough of shit and crime? Let’s go. More than 30,000 people just gave you a reason to do it. What else do you need?
And don’t worry about Sabac, you simply chose the destination of development, investment and a better future, voting for the Serbian Progressive Party and the “Aleksandar Vucic – For our children” list.
Long live Sabac free! Long live Serbia “