Zelenović: If the demands of the SNS are not met, they were told to come to our houses


The mayor of Sabac, Nebojsa Zelenovic, told the Nova.rs portal that SNS supporters asked those gathered in front of the GIK that if their demands were not met tomorrow, they would protest in front of his house, as well as in front of the houses of Dusan Petrovic and Budimir Pavlovic. clearly means a call for lynching.

Zelenović is for Nova.rs He said it was first falsely announced that his home was under surveillance.

“All of Sabac knows that nobody protected us, no matter what we did. It is known that I am going to work by bicycle,” Zelenović said.

The mayor of Sabac added that members of the SNS called people to protest in front of their houses.

“It is a call for lynching. I would like to know what the police chief has to say about it, and I would like to know what the police minister says as well. I wonder where we will live,” Zelenovic told Nova.rs.

He added that those gathered in front of the GIK were told to disperse and that the president of the commission was still in the building. He noted that the chief of police did not respond.

“If tomorrow the demands of the SNS are not met, they were told to come to our homes,” Zelenović concluded, saying that criminal charges will be filed tomorrow.

Sabac Police Chief Zoran Jevđenić said Zelenović’s claims that the police did not react to the report by members of the Šabac City Election Commission were absolutely wrong.

Sabac City Election Commission Chairman Budimir Pavlović told H1 that SNS activists and leaders in Sabac physically prevented members of the Sabac City Election Commission from leaving the room in which they were sitting.
