Zdravko Ponos on Bosko Obradovic


The big question is who to support Boško Obradović, the one who called for a boycott ten days ago, the one who called for a recent meeting to go to the polls or this Boško who would now negotiate with the authorities to create the conditions for the elections, he said. the vice president of the Popular Party, Zdravko. Ponosh

Ponos said for the “Pravi ugao” program on RTV Vojvodina that it is good to know what he supports, and for Obradović’s views he says that they are not clear, considering this transformation in the last ten days.

According to Ponos, he personally is not in favor of the methodology that Vojislav Seselj or Tomislav Nikolic introduced in Parliament on Styrofoam.

“I don’t even understand those political actors who come to support him. Is it an idea to support him so that he can endure to the end? If they support him, let them go on a hunger strike,” said Ponos, noting that Obradovic’s movement was not discussed. . Alliance meeting for Serbia.

The Popular Party, added Ponos, does not change its position on the boycott of the elections, because nothing has changed in the electoral conditions, “things are even worse.”

It should be remembered that Boško Obradović has been on a hunger strike for three days on the steps in front of the National Assembly and, among other things, is calling for a postponement of the elections, and today he is Deputy Dveri Ivan Kostić also joined.

Tadic’s unusual idea

He stated that the president of the Social Democratic Party, Boris Tadic, presented an unusual idea at the meeting of opposition leaders, according to which the opposition should participate in the elections with the “Boycott List”.

“This idea did not attract much attention or support from the rest of the opposition, and Tadic presented it to the public after two hours on television. I think the idea is legitimate and that it is correct for Tadic to verify citizens’ support for the idea.” . “he added.

Regarding Tadic’s question about whether the SZS exists, Ponos said that if the SZS “one day ceases to exist”, it should have been announced by someone who is a member.

“And if the news came from someone on one side, I would expect Aleksandar Vučić (President of Serbia) to take the lead on that information, and not Boris Tadić,” said Ponos.

PSG’s decision: a mistake you are entitled to, a bad time

He evaluated that the decision of the Free Citizens Movement (PSG) to change its position and go to the polls was “an error to which the PSG is entitled”.

He added that the decision was made at a bad time, when conditions are worse than they were and when it is increasingly clear in Brussels that there are no conditions for the June elections.

“Such a decision by PSG interrupts the previously achieved unity regarding not going to the polls, but the success of the boycott is not in doubt,” added Ponos.

Ponos specified that the Popular Party did not reconsider the decision to boycott the elections and that “there is complete unity in the party’s leadership on this issue.”

“The most important thing is that those in the opposition, whom people trust, do not bet on the trust of citizens. In politics, the word is worth it. There are politicians who say that politics is the ability of the possible. That It is true, but within politics, something you promised. ” “It’s just a skill of the possible in general, why would we trade Vucic for someone else?” He asked.

Ponos added that those who go to the polls “also made a financial calculation, because with 10 deputies in the Serbian Assembly, they will receive 30,000 euros a month and will be able to finance the party.”

“By boycotting, we have none of that, we only have a name, a cheek and to keep our word. The citizens must know it. Those who go to the polls are more concerned with their foreigner than with the interests of the citizens,” he concluded Ponos.
