Zajecar infectologist: I was hoping that Vučić and this country would support me: the Society


Nenad Ristović, who returned the award to the President of Serbia, says he reported the threats to the police and there was no reaction.

Since the beginning of the kovid 19 pandemic, I have two tasks: to be with the patients and with the patients, on the bumper of the Serbian health system, and on the other hand, to protect my family and make sure that no one will attack or slander my wife, my children and me.

Zajecar Infectologist: I was hoping Vučić and this country would back me 1Photo: V. Madžoski

This is what the infectologist of Zajecar Nenad Ristović de Danas says, who returned the Gold Medal of Merit in the fight against the corona virus, which was awarded to him by the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić.

He explained the return of the decorations with frequent attacks on his family, which he says come from “two criminals” from the top leadership of the Serbian Progressive Party in that city.

He also sent an open letter to Vučić, without naming the criminals, however the mayor of Zaječar, Boško Ničić, recognized himself among them.

– The moment they gave me the recognition that I did something for this country, I hope you will support me, but the one who gave me the recognition, President Aleksandar Vučić, will do the same – Ristović explains why he addressed the president, adding that he is the target of the attack. local progressives since 2012 but culminated after receiving recognition.

– They posted weird things about me through the media, but they also sent threatening messages, not only to me and my family, but also to friends and close people. “I reported the threats to the Ministry of the Interior a couple of times, but there was no further reaction from the police,” says Ristović.

When asked what he would say to Nicic, who denies his accusations, he states that “he has no intention of talking to criminals.”

– I haven’t done it until now, I won’t do it in the future. My wish, as a common person and citizen, is that the system and the state protect me. For the safety of my family, I also had to address the president – says our interlocutor.

When asked if he is afraid of the consequences of his public appearance, because many doctors who criticized the system were fired, our interlocutor says that he is not thinking about that.

– I don’t want to interfere with any politics in the fight against Kovid. At the moment, all my colleagues and I are just doctors. My task is to do my best in the fight against the crown. This is a fight with a pandemic, I am with an infectious disease specialist, they educated me for that and this is the task of my life. I won’t have a second or bigger one. How successful we are in that fight depends only on how strong and persistent we are. And we must all stand together against this pandemic, so there is no room for any politics. There are only places to fight the crown – concludes Nenad Ristović.

Although the doctor did not name the people from the SNS who threatened him, the mayor of Zajecar, Boško Ničić, “recognized himself”, emphasizing for Danas that “to this day” he has not received a response from “Dr. Politico” about the attack on his family works, where the attack took place, who carried it out, in what way and when.

– Since he called the people of the SNS, without any proof, it is obvious that with this imaginary attack, and by returning the medal to the president of Serbia, he started his electoral campaign in an extremely ugly way. With this act, as heartbreaking as it seemed to some, his revelation revealed all his political impotence, as well as the impotence of the team he gathered around him, which is made up of former members of Mirković’s PRS staff, Ničić says.

According to him, the methodology of political action, “lies and fabrications”, cannot overshadow the splendor of the struggle of numerous doctors, medical and non-medical personnel “who proudly carry the recognitions that the President of Serbia gave them for fighting during this pandemic. “

– The act of an imaginary greatness, which is obviously Ristović, who subordinated his medal to lies to win political points, speaks more about him than about us who attack. Intelligent citizens, politically intrepid, understood all the misery of this street, not to say street, the return of state recognition, as well as the fact that there was no attack by any member, much less an SNS official, on the family of this “political Dr.” – concludes Nicic.

Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić also commented on this case, automatically siding with his fellow party members without first checking what was happening in Zaječar.

– I was guided by my work in a certain sphere, and then it was more important that someone attack the people of the state president’s party. You don’t think I’m going to call the president of the local SNS to ask what happened – said Vučić.

The president knows

– I did not mark the names, but it is known who the two SNS men are who threatened me and my family. And your boss knows it well. The attacks against me date back to 2012 and come from people who are criminals. But attacking the family, something that is sacred … then there is no recognition big enough to be bigger and bigger than my family – says Nenad Ristović.

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