Youth Initiative: Failure of the party “Mirdita, good day”


The Youth Initiative for Human Rights said it viewed the failure of the Mirdita, Good Day festival as the fact that some participants in its previous editions are now participating in a campaign to celebrate those accused of war crimes and the pressure on the work of the Specialized Chambers in The Hague.

Values ​​around which the party “Mirdita, good morning!” brings together artists from Serbia and Kosovo are completely opposed to the messages sent by the campaign “Freedom has a name – KLA”, said the Initiative.

The KoSSev portal announced that Behind the “Freedom Has a Name – KLA” campaign is a group of six artists and intellectuals, two of whom participate in the “Mirdita, Good Day” festival: artist and MP Eljiza Hoxha and actor and director Fatmir Spahiu.

The Youth Initiative for Human Rights states in the statement that the festival has the mission of connecting people about the values ​​of civil society in which there is no place for extreme nationalism, about the values ​​of human rights, where there is no there is room for ethnic discrimination and for the values ​​of justice. responsibility for crimes.

However, they also estimate that the festival “Mirdita, good afternoon!” it is not kept in a vacuum, but in the Balkans, “deeply poisoned by nationalisms, ethnic exclusivities and hatred”, and they say that they will always fight against it, but that “there is no guarantee that we will succeed”.

“From the recently concluded festival in Belgrade a clear message of support was sent to the work of the Specialized Chambers and the Specialized Prosecutor’s Office in The Hague. We see in them the greatest opportunity to establish the truth and achieve justice for the victims who have been practically invisible to judicial systems for two decades. ” for crimes, and be held accountable, “concluded the Youth Initiative for Human Rights in a statement.
