YOUNGEST PATIENT from Croatia also died, people wait in KILOMETER COLUMNS for test


Today, 393 new cases of coronavirus infection have been confirmed in Croatia. Among them, 571 patients are hospitalized, of which 35 are connected to ventilators.

A total of 11 people were killed, including the youngest victim, a 39-year-old woman who was treated at Dubrava Hospital, reports the “Večernji list”.

Index learns that the deceased had already suffered from serious autoimmune diseases, for which she was treated at another hospital, and five days ago she was transferred to Dubrava Hospital.

On Friday, the number of new patients was a record and Croatia had 1,131 new patients. The Minister of Health, Willy Beros, called on the public to adhere to the prescribed measures because the virus penetrates the health system. He also said that the introduction of a cold disk in hospitals where the virus had entered was being considered, but the minister noted that it would be selective because people also suffer from other acute conditions.

ZagrebPhoto: Antonio Bat / EPA;


In his Facebook profile, Beroš also asked the competent city institutions to urgently organize additional points for corona virus tests in Zagreb, because citizens wait in columns one kilometer long.

Minister Beroš and the director of the CNIPH, Krunoslav Capak, will hold an online meeting today with the directors of the hospitals in order to make a strategy and schedule of hospital capacities due to the increase in the number of infected with the corona virus, but also hospitalized.

A member of the Government’s Scientific Council, epidemiologist Branko Kolarić, said on Sunday that he was concerned that the health system could be burdened with an increase in the number of people newly infected with the corona virus on a daily basis, due to the attitudes of the citizens towards epidemiological measures.

To the journalist’s observation that scientist Gordan Lauc warned that there are between 50,000 and 100,000 people infected in Zagreb, and scientist Igor Stagljar that Croatia will reach two thousand new people infected a day with the corona virus in the next week, Kolarić He replied that he did not know what they were based on. estimates, but believes that a situation is possible in which there could be two thousand new infected people a day.

Because, he said, with five hundred new people infected a day, we have reached a thousand new infected, and it is not impossible for that number to increase to two thousand new people infected a day with the corona virus.
