Young man’s leg amputated FOR THE CROWN!


A man of only 34 years old lost his leg because of the crown, because they had to amputate it, discovered new horrors of kovid 19 doc. Dr. Marija Zdravković, Director of KCB Bežanijska kosa.

Blood clots

He stressed that kovid is a very strange disease and a serious disease that attacks all organs.

– This disease is very strange and I think we still don’t understand it. We have 90-year-old people who leave the hospital standing up, and on the other hand, yesterday we had a 34-year-old young man, whose leg we had to amputate because he had a thromboembolism, we don’t know how or why – said by Pink and I add:

– This virus is a systemic disease and in the most serious forms there is a clinical picture that looks like sepsis, it is a very serious disease.

photo: Курир ТВ

Dr. Zdravković previously told Kurir that moderate and severe forms of kovid cause thrombosis, which is actually clots in the blood vessels, which can cause a stroke, heart attack, and even death.

“We had a patient whose lungs recovered from kovid and he died because his heart stopped due to a thromboembolism,” he said.

photo: Ana Paunković

That coagulation disorder is probably an integral part of the more severe clinical forms of kovida 19, notes prof. Dr. Radmilo Jankovic, director of the KC Nis Anesthesia and Intensive Care Clinic and head of the Nis Kovid Hospital.

Our regrettably excellent clinical experience speaks in favor of that. A large percentage of our patients had pulmonary embolism, verified radiologically or sonographically, and almost 90 percent of our patients showed disorders of the coagulation state in laboratory tests, says Janir de Kurir, adding that anticoagulant prophylaxis and use therapeutic doses in high-risk cases are an integral part of treatment protocols. kovid patients.

He emphasized that the works of German authors, who had post-mortem confirmation from autopsy findings, indicate a high frequency of both systemic thromboembolization and development of microthrombosis in the blood vessels of the lungs:

Successful treatment

– Fortunately, we had several cases of successful treatment of covid patients who had thromboembolism as the only complication of the disease. However, in multiple organ failure caused by COVID-19, these complications are fatal in more than 90 percent of cases.


  • occurs as a complication of venous thrombosis (inflammation of the veins caused by a blood clot) and rupture of a thrombus, which reaches the lungs
  • in massive pulmonary embolism (more than 50% of circulation obstructed) there is shortness of breath, chest pain, coughing up blood, palpitations, fear of imminent death and a state of shock: drop in pressure, rapid pulse , blue lips and cold sweat
  • in nonmassive pulmonary embolism, the clinical picture may be significantly milder

* Source Vojvodina Institute of Lung Diseases, Sremska Kamenica JS Spasić Photo: Ana Paunković

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