Young children attend a FLOODED KINDERGARTEN for two months and NO ONE ANSWERS (KURIR TELEVIZIJA)


The Sveti Sava preschool in Vracar suffered a flood in July. Four months after the flood, the parents of the children who go to that kindergarten addressed the media. To date, the damage caused by the flood has not been repaired. On July 19 of this year, a water pipe burst at the Sveti Sava preschool. On September 1, the children started preschool.

“We thought it would be quick, so we let our children go. We were satisfied, but 20 children in 20 square meters, and the other two in such a situation, that is inadmissible,” say the parents.

According to the parents, the children are in the room that is destined to receive guests, with all the educators.

Afraid for their children, who inhale all kinds of fumes and pass pandemics in very little space under these conditions, parents say that although they do not want to lift the bomb for this, they want the problem to be remedied in any way, even at cost to get involved in renovations. .

“It is a room with a maximum of 20 square meters, it is abnormal, the important thing for us is not the objective of lifting the bomb or blaming ourselves, it is the objective of providing children with normal conditions to go to preschool,” added the parents .

The dissatisfied parents went to various places to solve the problem. A letter was sent to the secretariat in August, but to date nothing has been done to repair the damage caused by the floods.

No one from the Ministry of Education has ruled on this issue.


delivery courier

Author: delivery courier
