01.09.2020. 12:10 – 01.09.2020. 12:19

Photo: Alo!
The fourth season of the popular reality show Zadruga begins on Sunday and the rapper will move to the Šimanovci estate. Vuk Mob, the Informant finds out.
Vuk Mob you have long negotiated with Pink and managed to arrange participation for an extremely high fee, and you will have the opportunity to attend give birth to his fiancee Olja Konatar.

Photo: Nenad Vujanović
“Vuk earns a lot, he got 6,000 euros for performing with a DJ. Considering that” Zadruga 4 “should last ten months, he asked the producers for a very high fee. The negotiations lasted a long time, but since he promised to create chaos in reality , in the end they agreed to give him a lot of money, “says an Informer source close to the rapper and adds that his fiancee Olja, who is in the fourth month of pregnancy, supported him in that. adventures.

Photo: Promo
“She told him that she would be with him whatever she decided, but she admitted that she would regret not being with her when she gave birth. Therefore, she agreed with Pink’s leaders to allow her to attend her birth. In March, she will be able to go out. from reality for a few days. She will be with Olja in a private maternity hospital and then she will receive her and the baby at home. Immediately after that, she will return to reality, “added the source of the aforementioned article.