You will easily recognize the counterfeit by its color and density! Don’t worry if you ate it


The withdrawal of products that do not meet the quality parameters to be honey, which is used as food in the diet, has been underway for 10 days, according to the Veterinary Inspection of the Ministry of Agriculture.

– During official controls of honey producers and distributors on the Serbian market, it was determined that honey from certain producers does not meet the quality requirements prescribed by the Rulebook on the quality of honey and other bee products – indicated in written information.

It is added that such honey cannot be used as food in the diet, but only for cooking or baking (baking honey).

The withdrawal of such products from the market is carried out on the basis of the decision of the veterinary inspection.

photo: Shutterstock

This inspection sent the information to the sanitary inspection to determine if said honey is in the collective feeding facilities.

The veterinary inspection indicates that this is not an unsafe product, but a product that does not meet quality parameters.

– In accordance with the authorizations, the corresponding reports will be presented, and the information on the determined situation has already been sent to other competent bodies and inspections so that they can take the measures within their competence – indicated the Veterinary Administration.

The president of the Association of Serbian Beekeeping Organizations (SPOS) Rodoljub Zivadinovic says that such an important action has never happened in Serbia, because all the competent authorities, veterinary inspection, market inspection, police, criminal police, tax police and health inspection they are engaged in at the same time.

Radoljub Zivadinovic
photo: Private Archive

– According to our information, the veterinary inspection took more than 150 samples of honey in the field. For the first time, the authenticity of the honey, that is, the origin of the sugar in the honey, is determined in all samples. This is how highly skilled fakes, which otherwise pass standard tests, are revealed, he said.

Zivadinovic claims that according to the SPOS, the company “Med Hani” from Vucak, near Smederevo, and the agricultural farm Vucenovic from Sremska Mitrovica, have so far discovered counterfeit honey.

– According to our information, during the controls, both counterfeit honey, which dominates, and real honey were found, which has altered the quality factors due to overheating or storage before marketing – he said.

Zivadinovic explained that the origin of real honey can be sold exclusively under the label of bakery honey, for cooking and baking, but not for consumption.

– However, the appearance of said honey during the control is a symbolic phenomenon, and in 99 percent of the cases the veterinarian discovered counterfeit honey, ranging from total counterfeits that did not see the bee, to honey that was added a significant amount of sugar. – he said.

How to recognize a fake?

– There are counterfeit honey on the market that are easy to see with the naked eye, because it is crystal clear, while real honey is darker in color and cloudy. The mixture with honey is difficult to notice at first glance and that is why the sample is sent for analysis, because laboratory tests are the most reliable. Counterfeit honey has no aroma, it tastes like caramel and sugar, Zivadinovic said of Kurir earlier.

He adds that the purchase price of acacia honey from beekeepers is 800 dinars, which means that honey on the market cannot be below 1,500 to 1,800 dinars.

– You must pay attention to the price of honey, because a kilogram of honey in stores is around 500 dinars and it cannot be real honey. Kindergartens, canteens and cafes receive honey in a bag, which is 99% fake, and the price of those bags is 270 dinars per kilogram, Zivadinovic emphasizes for Kurir.


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