“YOU WILL DO WHAT I TELL YOU OR I WILL SEND IT TO YOUR HUSBAND” A maniac from Vranje blackmails women in this city, victims in the LIVE PROGRAM said that the agony lasts for months (PHOTO)


An unknown person from Vranje has been downloading photos of women from the internet and social media for the past few months, making fake profiles on adult sites, and then threatening to send photos from that account to their husbands.

This agony, as the women of Vranje say, has been going on for several months. They decided to tell what they are going through and how it all started on the live TV show “Happy”.

– On January 8, I received a message on Facebook that if I did not respond, those photos would be sent to my husband. I decided to go to the police and see what it was all about. My statement was taken on January 8, but to this day I have no response after the report, one of the victims told Happy TV.

She added that she suspects that behind the false profiles there is “a person who banished her for five years.”

– I gave the name to the police. It works by downloading a profile picture, making an album on a porn site with your first and last name and putting it on the Internet, your face is not visible and it is under your name. The condition to get that record is that you give it something. She has two profiles, and only one has 12,000 followers, yesterday she had 70 galleries – she said.

The victim Photo: Happy tv / screenshot

The victim

The other victim, he said, experienced a similar scenario.

– He followed me with a false name, of course, after that I received a message. I did not reply. Then they informed me that it was on that site. There are even two minors among his victims. When I saw what it was about, I closed the account. Change names, send from different profiles – explained, reports “Kurir”.

Photo: Happy tv / screenshot

The persecutor falsifies correspondence with the women after the photos are published and then sends them to the husbands.

– Found my husband with his first and last name on Facebook. He wrote to her. He wrote to me to come, he is waiting for me here, there, he says to pay for the transport and come. The worst thing was when I ate in a bar, he sent me a message “Pay what you eat and come here”, which means that he followed me. He knows who we are, we don’t know who he is. He is a 24-year-old boy, so he is suspected – explained the first victim.

Photo: Happy tv / screenshot

He added that “it is directed at women who move in public among many people.”

– A nurse, a journalist, someone who takes care of public affairs and knows a lot of people, who would be ashamed to know all that, chooses successful women.

Experts agree that the only solution to this problem is for social media profiles not to be public, to restrict access to all suspicious people.

Photo: Happy tv / screenshot

– The profile should not be public, I believe that people who we do not know live should not be accepted – explain the insiders.

The victims are afraid, they fear that no one will stand in the way of the maniac.

– Some women moved from Vranje because of this persecutor. He has been persecuted for more than six months and cannot be stopped – explains the first victim.

He adds that women are scared and afraid of being alone at night.

– He is chasing women, they are afraid, now I don’t know if I can open Instagram, Facebook, whatever. Imagine what it’s like to move around at night when you know you’re lurking, another victim concludes.
