You want Serbia to join the EU as soon as possible, and is there a solution for Kosovo too?


SOLANA was bombing us, and now she changed the plate: she wants Serbia to join the EU as soon as possible, and is there a solution for Kosovo too?

Photo: Printscreen Youtube

Former EU Council Secretary-General Javier Solana says the way to solve the “Kosovo problem” is to continue negotiations between Belgrade and Pristina, but also to allow Serbia’s rapid entry into the EU.

“Kosovo and Metohija have many problems today, but we must present Serbia quickly. Russia would very much like Serbia to be in their orbit. Therefore, we must act quickly with Serbia and offer it the possibility to join the EU,” that is. basic, “says Solana.

In a conference dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the European External Action Service, Javier Solana said that the EU and its special representative must be committed to the “24 hours a day” dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina.


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