You should take two vitamins every day and someone older than 50 should take a medication.


The coronavirus is transmitted by droplets, the most important thing is to wear a mask and keep your distance when you are outside, said cardiologist Dr. Viseslav Hadzi-Tanovic, who advised you to drink 1,000 milligrams of vitamin C every day.

Source: B92, TV Prva

Photo: Printskrin TV Prva

Photo: Printskrin TV Prva

In addition to exercise and vitamin C, take vitamin D3 at 2,000 to 5,000 international units, and everyone over the age of 50 should take 100 milligrams of aspirin. Apsirin because if a virus enters and interferes with circulation, it will dilute it and we will have no problem. Cardiac arrest due to viremia. Rely exclusively on medicine, “said Dr. Hadži-Tanović, as a guest on” Jutra “on TV Prva.

In case you have a fever, sore throat, see a doctor, noted the doctor, who also said that not every cold is a crown.

By the way, yesterday almost all the media reported that a group of people, naked to the waist, were standing in front of a house in Zvezdara, in Belgrade, and that it was supposedly a treatment for the coronavirus, by alternative methods.

According to the same unidentified sources, similar gatherings have been going on for several days, and they seem like a person with a visor on his head spraying those people with something. They don’t have masks, distance and stuff, as I think this is, if true, a bigger problem.

Referring to this case, Dr. Hadzi-Tanovic said that people should always trust “people who come from science, who have spent their entire lives with patients and who have the best solutions.”

“Medicine has existed for centuries, people have seen through practice what is best for their health. At a time when we have serious epidemics, without proper medicine and proper treatment, there is no cure. People who they want to participate in any treatment since there are different types of diseases and that there are several causes and that each of us is a person for us, the treatment is for each one of us individually ”, the doctor stressed.

It also says that if someone has a serious problem, they should go to experts.

“You risk your health on things like this,” he noted, adding that there have been several examples of charlatanism over the years.
