It doesn’t hurt and doesn’t have symptoms for a long time, which is why high blood pressure is called a silent killer. Don’t choose, it affects both men and women of all ages. Experts advise regular check-ups, because a lot of people don’t know they have hypertension.
“The culprits for high blood pressure are generally ourselves. In a very small number of cases, about five percent, there is another disease that causes high blood pressure, and treating that other disease cures the blood pressure, but in few words, high blood pressure is a measure of the wrong lifestyle and wrong behavior of our body. “Said, visiting the RTS morning show, cardiologist Dr. Marija Zdravković, director of KBC” Bežanijska kosa “.
Dr. Zdravkovic explains that one of the basic risks is a diet that is not good for the cardiovascular system, citing foods that are “high in calories and poor in everything that is important for the health of the body, such as vitamins, minerals and fiber”.
Dr. Zdravković also cites obesity as a risk factor, with the fact that in developed countries up to 40 percent of the population is overweight, as well as reduced physical activity.
“According to the recommendations of the European Association of Cardiologists, you need at least half an hour of vigorous physical activity every day, or if done in an organized way, three times a week for one hour,” said Dr. Zdravkovic , adding that some of the signs are that something is wrong. OK frequent headaches, lack of strength, weakness, dizziness, chest pain …

Explains that high blood pressure negatively affects not only the heart, but also other organs, kidneys and brain, and there is also the accelerated aging process of the blood vessels and the entire body, which can have consequences in the form of heart attack. myocardium.
Speaking of the symptoms of high blood pressure, Dr. Zdravković says that it should be understood as a message that it is time for a lifestyle change.
The worst is when we treat the pressure with medication, but sometimes the patient has to receive medication. First of all, it is best to regulate body weight, change the way you eat, get enough sleep and include physical activity, ”advises Dr. Zdravković.

How to Correctly Measure Pressure
Otherwise, he says, the diagnosis is simple. It states that everyone in the house should have a device to measure blood pressure. Regular monitoring is of great importance.
“Proper pressure measurement requires you to sit in a room for five minutes, where there is no screaming or noise, where there is no television or radio. You rest for five minutes and then measure the pressure,” says Dr. Zdravković.
He explains that in some people there is high blood pressure based on nervousness, as in children and young people, who get scared when they measure the pressure, and then they get false results.
It says that pressure can be measured in both the left and right hands, but we must also know that each pressure measurement will give a different value. This does not mean that the device is faulty, but that the pressure in the body is constantly changing.
During the pressure measurement, the arm should be straightened and the cuff should be exactly where the artery is, at the level of the elbow. Be sure to read the instructions for use that come with the device.
The doctor also says that electronic devices that are worn on the upper arm are somewhat more accurate than those that are placed on the wrist.
“We diagnose hypertension when we have 140 with blood pressure of 90 and above, but in some categories, we diagnose with lower values, and that is mainly in people who have diabetes that damages the blood vessels even more, and we insist on values of 135 with 85 , in patients who have kidney disease, and of course, a special category that we control, are pregnant women and children, ”says Dr. Zdravković.
Hypertension is the world’s leading chronic non-communicable disease. It is a disease for which there are the largest number of medications in the world, and half of those who suffer from it do not know how to suffer from high blood pressure. Of the other half who know again, only half regulates high blood pressure well. There are more and more younger patients.
Kovid 19 and heart health
“We are aware that kovid is not just an infection that attacks the lungs, it is a virus that attacks all systems, attacks the heart muscle and the blood vessels themselves. We know that most patients have mild forms of myocarditis , which are subclinical and not important, but unfortunately, several patients develop severe myocarditis with accompanying arrhythmias. In some hypertensive patients, the onset of covid infection leads to the depletion of these compensatory mechanisms, for which the patients report having dysregulated blood pressure like some of the symptoms, ”said Dr. Zdravković.

Therefore, as he himself says, it is important that the patient suffering from coviditis is fully understood, and that special attention is paid to the “heart part”.
“Hypertensive patients are more susceptible to complications from covid, and those who are connected to a respirator usually do not receive any medication for hypertension, on the contrary, they have very pronounced hypotension values. In them the pressure drops, because the virus itself has a toxic effect on the blood vessels and their tone, and in these more difficult phases, they are patients to whom we cannot raise the pressure, we do not give them any therapy for hypertension, but We try to maintain that hemodynamic balance, ” he says. Dr. Zdravkovic.
“People may think that the covid infection is over, but with full respect for everyone having their opinion, I must say that it is not, and that it is absolutely very important to respect the recommendations made by the Crisis Staff and the Ministry of Health, because that is the only way to end the epidemic of covid infection ”, appealed Dr. Zdravković.
Regulation of food and pressure
“Our menu should include fresh vegetables and fruits, legumes, seeds, fish and seafood, whole grains and wholegrain products, as well as olive oil every day,” says Jovana Srejić Ferluga, nutritionist.
“Poultry, turkey, milk and dairy products should be on the menu a little less often, and we should use red meat less often,” he added.
Advises that foods such as sugar and all products that contain simple sugars, white flour products, those that contain hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated and trans fats should be completely excluded from the diet, while reducing sodium intake, salty cheeses and dry meat products. even an unwashed pickle.


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