YOU SHOULD NEVER TAKE THESE 2 VITAMINS IN THE MORNING: “Dragiša Mišović” red zone doctor says – These are the supplements we should take.


Prof. Dr. Dino Tarabar, who works in the red zone of the “Dragiša Mišović” hospital, advises taking vitamins De and Ce, magnesium, selenium, zinc, as well as probiotics.

– It is good to take it preventively and not only if we are infected. When there is no sun, vitamins decrease. 2000 units are administered preventively per day. I recommend vitamin C up to 5 to 6 grams a day. Not all supplements need to be taken at the same time. Devitamin and magnesium should not be taken in the morning but in the afternoon. Probiotics are mandatory, especially with antibiotics, explains the doctor from the red zone of the hospital “Dragisa Misovic”.

Dr. Tarabar says the question of antibiotic use in the early days is moot. If it is an exclusively viral disease, antibiotics are not necessary.

– We give them mainly to elderly people where we hope that bacterial superinfections protect them from further complications. Sometimes the viruses that we treat with antibiotics can cause us a problem, so that the antibiotics will destroy the saprophytic bacterial flora, making the clinical picture worse – explains Dr. Tarabar.

He adds that it is very difficult for first-line physicians to assess whether or not to give an antibiotic.

– The clinical picture of colds, flu, coexistence at a time can be exactly the same. It is not easy to evaluate this based on the first contact. Much more is needed, to observe the patient, to see the clinical picture, the laboratory findings, the blood picture and ce-er-pe. You don’t need to hear anything in your lungs and that can be misleading, explains the doctor.


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