You must meet 3 CONDITIONS, and the review is MORE IMPORTANT THAN THE TEST


As kovid 19 continues to spread, we know more and more people in the environment who have suffered from this infection, so many wonder when it is safe to be around someone who has been infected. Is the fact that you are still coughing or feeling weak a threat to those who have not yet been infected with the crown?

According to the Eklinika portal, kovid 19 easily passes from person to person mainly through respiratory droplets and particles in the air, so when someone coughs, sneezes, speaks or even sings in the immediate vicinity of another person, the other person runs the risk of being infected with the virus. An infected person may or may not have symptoms.

The first symptoms

Many people with a crown can expect the first symptoms in 11 days, although the incubation period is three to 14 days. Depending on the severity of the symptoms, the illness may take one to two weeks, as long as it is necessary to recover from a mild form of infection, or more than six weeks for more severe cases that require hospital treatment. The long-term effects of the disease can last for weeks or months.

According to experts from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), when you will be able to be around someone who has recently had a crown depends largely on the symptoms, especially if they are not there. Although each situation is different, doctors assure that it is true that those who have undergone a crown can be close to others when they meet these three criteria:

1. 10 days have passed since your symptoms started.

2. They had no fever (without taking any antipyretic medicine) for at least 24 hours.

3. Your symptoms (such as coughing and shortness of breath) have improved.

Infectious or not

– However, it is important to know that people recovering from kovid 19 may still have some long-term symptoms, such as shortness of breath, fatigue, or a persistent cough and headache, but that does not mean they are still contagious. Some people just need more time to fully recover, says Dr. William Schaffner, an infectious disease specialist and professor at Vanderbilt University.

Seven and ten days

In other cases, Eklinika reports, if a person tested positive for kovid 19 but had no symptoms and is not exhibiting them at all, American doctors say that person may be around other people after 10 days of testing. However, anyone with a weakened immune system may need to stay home for more than 10 days.

For those who have had close contact with a person who has kovid 19, it is recommended that they stay home for 14 days after that exposure. However, the CDC recently recognized that a two-week quarantine period could present a financial hardship for people, and thus added two new quarantine options. People who may have been exposed to corona but have not developed symptoms can suspend quarantine after 10 days or after seven days, but only if they have a negative test.

Masks and distances

However, even in that case, you should still wear a mask and distance yourself from others as much as possible when in public; Just because you’ve passed kovid 19 doesn’t mean you’ve received a pass for not following current recommendations.

More important than testing

Dr Predrag Kon previously revealed that the control PCR test is not the most reliable indicator that the patient is no longer contagious, but that the key role is played by the control examination.

– In milder cases of coronary infection, isolation can be interrupted 14 days after illness without further testing, but provided the person has no symptoms for at least three days. If someone has ten days of hardship, they can go free after 14 days.

You no longer need a control test

At the beginning of the corona epidemic in Serbia, patients were not discharged from hospitals to receive treatment at home or work if they did not have a negative PCR test result.

In the meantime, this rule has changed, so patients are not retested after 14 days.

– These are the WHO recommendations, that the doctor’s report is much more important and that the control PCR test is no longer required. It is enough to spend 14 days of incubation – explained prof. Infectologist. Dr. Zarko Rankovic, member of the crisis staff in Nis.

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