You have chosen an honorable and wonderful profession, you are special


Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić attends the solemn promotion of the 23rd and 24th classes of the students of the Police Basic Training Center at the “Makiš” Training Center.

Participants in classes 23 and 24 of the Center for Basic Police Training will join the ranks of the Ministry of the Interior today, after the completion of the nine-month training, announced the Ministry of the Interior.

At the beginning of the ceremony, the anthem of the Republic of Serbia was performed.

photo: Курир ТВ

Interior Minister Nebojsa Stefanovic greeted the participants.

– When I look at these lines, your colleagues protect the citizens of Serbia every day, the first word that comes to mind is trust. So I thank you for choosing to serve your people – said the Minister.

photo: Courier

He thanked President Vučić for his support of the police.

The promotion also features the participation of Prime Minister Ana Brnabić.

photo: Курир ТВ

The director of the police, Vladimir Rebić, handed over the decisions on rewarding the students in class 23 and 24.

The first-place student from Class 23 of the Police Basic Training Center addressed the public.

photo: Courier

Subsequently, the participants were received by the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić.

– I don’t want to read a speech. Even if it’s just girls and boys to your parents and loved ones, you shouldn’t feel that way. You have serious, difficult and responsible tasks ahead of you. You have to take on responsibilities that you haven’t had before. You chose an honorable and wonderful profession because you supported your country. To this day, you are de facto and de jure people who take care of your Serbia. There is no one who can say that she is bothered by a greater obligation to care for Serbia. That’s why you are special – said the president.

photo: Courier

He pointed out that in Serbia it is easier to criticize the state for everyone, because no matter how many roads and railways are built, or how much someone does not pay taxes, it is always easier to be against the state, while the police are always with their state. . .

– You will always have to suffer, the citizens will always have confidence in you, but you will not be a favorite – said Vučić.

photo: Courier

He noted that it is up to the State to help, that everyone feel proud of themselves and provide a better life.

– Know you did the right thing. It is up to us to help you be proud of yourself. We will continue to improve the standards of MUP members – said the president.

photo: Courier

– Thank you very much for the love you give to our country – said the President and wished all the participants a successful career.

photo: Курир ТВ

The promotion of future police officers is also attended by their superior colleagues from the special police units of the Police Brigade, Gendarmerie, Intervention Unit 92 and the Helicopter Unit of the Ministry of the Interior.

They do various demonstration exercises.

photo: Курир ТВ

Singer Dušan Svilar performed the song “Pukni zoro” accompanied by the police orchestra.

President Vučić once again addressed the citizens, where he spoke about current political issues in Serbia. Vučić announced that he is traveling to Turkey today, where he will speak with the President of that country, Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

– I don’t have to say how important the talks with the Turkish president today are – Vučić told reporters after the solemn promotion of the new members of the police force.


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