“YOU DON’T WANT A VACCINE, YOU DON’T WANT TO CROSS THE BORDER” The idea of ​​kovid passports is getting stronger in the world, and this is what it means to us and how we will travel


Information on whether someone has had a crown, if and when they had a PCR test, and if they received the vaccine; all of this can be found on your “covid passports” in the future.

This idea is being widely developed in many countries, and is championed primarily by tourism workers and airlines who hope it can bring them salvation during a pandemic. Of course, ordinary citizens do not care either, as they are convinced that in the future they will be able to travel more easily to their favorite destinations, inaccessible to them for almost a year.

The introduction of covid passports, at least for trips abroad, is increasingly secure

Photo: Snezana Krstic / RAS Serbia

The introduction of covid passports, at least for trips abroad, is increasingly secure

Some global airlines have already announced the introduction of “kovid passports” as a condition for future flights. Thus, the Australian “Kvantas” stated that vaccination against kovid will be mandatory for all international passengers, but the introduction of the same condition on domestic flights is being considered.

– Tourism and traffic are in an extremely difficult situation worldwide, so it is completely normal to focus on the possibility of working because that is the only way to survive – says to “Blic” the director of the National Association of Serbian Tourist Organizations (JUTA) Aleksandar Senicic.

– In that context, I understand this initiative. On the one hand, it is logical and would probably allow unimpeded travel, but on the other hand it can also be a limiting factor, considering the unknowns about vaccines and the part of the population that has a negative attitude about it – Senicic points out.

Aleksandar Senicic, the first man of JUTA

Photo: Tanja Valić / Tanjug

Aleksandar Senicic, the first man of JUTA

As he himself says, if this principle is established as a business model, it can contribute to the increase in tourist trips.

How will the covid passport work?

There are several options for its operation, and the most realistic is an application that would be connected to the health systems and that would work by scanning a code that would contain passenger data: test results or vaccination certificates, as well as travel plans.

– Taking into account that with the development of technology, only verification is reduced to a simple process, accessible to all and extremely simple, and in the case of the introduction of the “kovid passport” I think the process would be very simple of course , a certificate of the vaccine received, because I suppose that this information would be one of the most important – explains Seničić.

On how we will travel in 2021, our interlocutor points out that it is the biggest unknown and the biggest obstacle for the plans of both tourist workers and passengers.

– The situation changes from day to day, as well as the circumstances that affect the trip itself. It is very difficult to predict, but we can assume that there will certainly be no return to the old, before the pandemic. Therefore, we should expect that there are protocols to enter certain countries, that the security in the facilities itself is of a much higher level, as well as the behavior of the passengers – says Senicic.

That is why, as he himself says, “kovid passports” could quickly become a reality.

– For that, it is necessary to harmonize the protocols that will specify all the details of the passports themselves, but also their acceptance by the countries, and for that, certainly a certain time is needed for harmonization – concludes Seničić.

Transportation, parties, concerts

In the UK, all vaccinated people receive a card, which has no legal value yet and does not allow greater freedom for travel and other activities. It is a reminder with the name and surname, code and date of vaccination, as well as when it is necessary to receive the second dose.

France was the furthest, where the law was found in the assembly, according to which only vaccinated people could use public transport, go to parties, restaurants, concerts. However, its adoption has been postponed, at least temporarily.

“Travel dog” for air transport

The International Air Transport Association (IATA) has introduced the “Travel Dog”, a mobile application that should help passengers to organize their trip easily and safely, respecting the entry requirements of a certain country.

The “travel dog” stores encrypted data, including test or vaccination results, on the passenger’s mobile device, while the passenger controls what information he will share from his phone with airlines and authorities. It should start to be used in early 2021.

To Greece with at least one PCR test

Milos Jovovic, owner of the travel agency “Travelland”, emphasizes reaching an agreement with Greece.

– We want to respect passengers and that is why we urgently need a bilateral agreement, perhaps similar to that of Cyprus, because it is really strange that we cannot go to Greece now and we can travel with a visa even during sanctions. Actually, the biggest problem for us is that we can’t even make contracts for next summer. We hope that at least travel is possible with precisely defined conditions, such as mandatory PCR testing and the like, says Jovović.

VIDEO: How to protect ourselves and others if we have symptoms of kovida-19
