“YOU ARE THE BEAUTIFUL SIDE OF THE LAW”: Photo of two Serbian policewomen delights on social media


– Good afternoon and enjoy the weekend – it says under the photo on the page of the Ministry of the Interior.

This photo caused a lot of comments and reactions from Facebook users below that image.

– Thank you too, you are the best side of the law. I can only envy him: this is just one of the comments from citizens about the photo of Serbian policewomen.

Some users described their enthusiasm for the appearance of the members of the Ministry of the Interior with the phrase: – How beautiful are these policewomen, and they are even more beautiful in uniform. That are beautiful.

– Bravo colleagues, I wish you a quiet day and a pleasant job, our work is not only black and painful, but we must see enthusiasm, smile and positivity in our work “, says a fellow citizen and adds:

– And not like some who are looking here to see our torment and sweat. We never show that, but we do our jobs professionally, courageously, and stoically.

Some users said they were “Serbian pride and hope”, and some wished the policemen: may God give them long life, happiness and patience.

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