YEAR’S END: Continuation of the fight instead of faints and misfortunes


BY 2020, according to a frequently used phrase, it is said to be the year eaten by the crown. Pavidemia 19 provides many reasons for such an evaluation, especially for those who have lost a loved one this year or have faced the disease and all the consequences it produces.

But allow yourself a certain biased view, as a survivor, of the past year. In that year a vaccine against this plague arrived in Serbia from two parts of the world and vaccination began. We have an effective weapon in our hands against this fierce enemy. It has been shown how valuable the policy of preservation and strengthening of the state public health system has been in recent years. That is why he survived despite the terrible pressure. Two new covid hospitals were built in record time, in Batajnica and Krusevac. In this general crisis, the state has shown the valuable characteristics of the welfare state and has found the means to provide free treatment to all patients. The concept of affirmation of the social functions of the State has been proven in the enormous financial aid of the State for the preservation of employment and the survival of a large number of private companies and the economy in general.

The year that was coming to an end was the year of the heroic struggle of our doctors and all other health workers. It was, and will continue to be, a supreme demonstration of loyalty to the profession, the vocation of life to heal people. Large numbers of the sick and deceased in the ranks of our physicians also bear witness to that superhuman devotion.

The economic results in the years of severe crisis, according to which Serbia is one of the best, or the best, in Europe speak for themselves. Expectations for the next three years are the same. Still, the Serbian state was impressed by its strength, capacity, and timely responses and interventions.

A kind of crown of successful achievements is the commissioning of the Serbian part of the “Balkan Stream” gas pipeline, which was built this year and which is more than valuable in the economic and geopolitical sense. It represents a great bulwark for development and significantly increases the importance and importance of Serbia in the world.

The holy liturgies in Montenegro represent a magnificent event in the history of the Serbian people and of the Serbian Orthodox Church. And orthodoxy in general. They were the turning point after which the regime of anarchy and violence against Orthodox believers and saints fell in the elections under extremely unequal conditions. At the end of this year, the Parliament of Montenegro repealed the “illegal” and unconstitutional Law on Religious Freedom.

In 2020, the magnificent Temple of Saint Sava in Belgrade was completed. It is one of the grandest buildings of Orthodoxy and a proof of the brotherly relationship and direct cooperation with the Russian people. All preparations have been completed for the construction of a monument to the founder of the Serbian state, Stefan Nemanja.

Serbia and its president, Aleksandar Vučić, have not succumbed to pressure to recognize cooperation with Russia and Vladimir Putin as “Moscow’s evil and destructive influence.” By voting in international organizations during the adoption of various anti-Russian resolutions and declarations, and by failing to impose sanctions on Russia, Serbia has demonstrated its principles and cares about its own interests. Serbia also acted when faced with anti-Chinese demands and pressure. We remain committed to military neutrality and significantly strengthened the Serbian army and raised its reputation. In a respectable investigation, 73% of Serbian citizens are in favor of returning to military service.

Links with the Republika Srpska have been strengthened many times. As is the unwavering commitment to the Dayton Accords. Serbia recognizes without obligation and without hesitation its obligation to take care of the Serbian people outside its borders, including as regards the Republika Srpska, as well as Montenegro. We are slowly shaking off the non-existent guilt imposed by the hegemony of Greater Serbia. Without a gap, there is more and more talk of the Serbian issue in a new key and of the Serbian world, and hence the new accusations and investigations of our “mental structure”. Increasingly, one thinks publicly and acts critically beyond the imposed language of political correctness and beyond the mental defect in the form of violent symmetries.

In these twenties of this century, with all the pressures and suspicions of treason, Serbia has remained equally far from recognizing the independence of Kosovo. Serbia has done a lot for the true culture of remembrance, affirming the freedom and anti-fascism of the Serbian people and developing respect for its victims. There is also strong and increasingly effective resistance to organized attempts to revise history and attempts to impose imaginary guilt on Serbs. The trial before the International Court of Justice in The Hague, before which the accused KLA leaders, led by Hashim Thaci, are present, also contributes to the truth and credible knowledge of the recent past.

Much is out of the interest of this text. Some injustice was probably done. Our intention was to find some strongholds to continue the fight and advocate for a better Serbia and contribute to the establishment and strengthening of the victorious paradigm against fashionable fatalism, fainting, discouragement, misfortune and catastrophe.

Let us end with the words of the Most Reverend Bishop Irinej Bački:

“Each generation faces different temptations and new tasks, but no temptation exceeds the strength given to people at a given time and defeated before the ‘catastrophe.’

Happy New Year 2021!

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