Wui published: Meeting, issue urgent purchase of vaccines PHOTO


Belgrade – President Aleksandar Vui met today with the directors of the relevant institutes and agencies, and the only topic of conversation was the urgent procurement of vaccines.

Source: Tanjug

“The urgent procurement of vaccines is the only topic of today’s meeting with representatives of the Institute of Virology, Vaccines and Serums ‘Torlak’, the Institute of Public Health of Serbia ‘Dr. Milan Jovanovic Batut’, the Medicines Agency and the RHIF, “Vui said, with photos from the meeting. on the official “Budunostsrbije” account on Instagram.

The meeting was also attended by Prime Minister Ana Brnabi and Health Minister Zlatibor Lonar.

Last night, during a tour of the construction works of a new covid-hospital in Batajnica, the president pointed out that the salvation in the fight against the corovavirus, along with the massive tests, is the vaccine and that the state is trying and trying to contribute the first amounts in the next month.

“We are talking to all the countries. We are part of Kovacs, if the EU acquires Pfizer, and we will, we are not asking how many elevations. If they acquire Modern, we will also do it. But we are also talking to our Chinese and Russian partners.” Zeneku … We are talking to everyone to see if we can get to the vaccine sooner, “said Vui.

He reiterated that the state would do its best to provide at least one million doses before the end of the year, first for health workers, who are under tremendous pressure, and then for the military and police.
