Wui: important decisions next week


Serbian President Aleksandar Vui said next week will be very important because many important decisions will be made and foreign political talks will take place.

Source: Tanjug



Vui did not specify which major decisions were in question, but otherwise, as previously announced, the formation of the Serbian Government is expected.

As regards the external talks, the visit of the EU special envoy for dialogue, Miroslav Lajak, to Belgrade and Pristina has been announced for next week.

“We will see if there are early elections in 2022.”

Vui said it remains to be seen whether early presidential elections will be called in addition to the 2022 elections, and whether someone from the opposition will boycott them.

Responding to a journalist’s question, he said that he only announced it as a possibility.

“When you attack the government and ask if there is strong opposition or not, let’s look at yesterday’s poll or the field research from four days ago, which shows that none of those parties that are big opponents would enter parliament, but they have more space in the media, “said Vui.

When asked by journalists if there would be an unopposed married parliament, Vui asked:

“How do you know that there will be no opposition? I don’t know, and you know? Who will be the opposition, I think you will be able to see in the shortest possible time, and maybe there will be no opposition, maybe you are right, maybe not. How you know? “.

Vui says that for him it is very strange that we have several very responsible parties and that there are people in the opposition who would like to behave in a more responsible way, but that thanks to the tycoon power of those who know they will not be elected by the will of the people . .

Politicians only help us like that, he warned.

He expressed the expectation that the new parliament will have a very important role to play in showing that it can behave differently by not taking the floor to opposition MPs as it used to be, but also that opposition MPs will discuss the arguments in instead of taking pole. and stones.

They must show that they can do a lot for the benefit of Serbia, added the president.

Vui says that when he was in the opposition position he criticized the government, but that he never thought of coming to power by force, nor did he violently occupy the assembly and brag about it.

“On the contrary, when we were in charge of the Presidency, I begged the people not to jump over the fence,” says Vui, adding that it never happened that as an opposition they did not report a political rally, while today, he says, there is no a legal political rally. someone reported.

He adds that those who are organizing the protests today will not be held responsible, waiting for someone else to do the dirty work for them, because they know that people do not want them.

Vui also says that he always knew how to admit defeat in the second round elections by only 0.4 or 0.5 percent of the vote, and that he congratulated his political opponents at 9:30 p.m.

“You have to have that kind of focus and understand that politics is a game where you can win and lose,” Vui said.

He adds that, instead, he is exposed every day to the most brutal campaign in which his entire family is attacked through his deugas, tycoons and the media, and that he is attacked by roads, railways, fountains in Belgrade, the Temple of Saint Sava, Belgrade on the Water. and others.

He added that when he was the opposition, there were no opposition media that worked against the government for 24 hours, but there were changes because the people wanted him, while now the opposition has no ingenious ideas, only senseless attacks.
