Podgorica – President Aleksandar Vui says Serbia does not join the Montenegrin government.
Source: B92

“Some other countries are interfering with that, but you shouldn’t tell them that,” Vui said, adding that it all comes down to suppressing any Serbian influence and talking about it all the time.
Vui said that in Montenegro, some accused him of leading the politics of Greater Serbia, while others accused him of betraying the network.
“Both are notorious lies,” he said, adding that he was used to it by now and that people in Serbia already know this very well.
“It all comes down to talking about the constant threat from Serbia for many in the region. These are notorious lies. They should lead us to the next one, and that is that Serbia is good when it is weak and without influence, without economic strength. Yes.” to get stronger and stronger, then we have a problem with the fact that Serbia is not good for anyone and follows a hegemonic policy, “Vui said.
As he says, Serbia did not say who should be the ministers in the new Montenegrin government, nor who should be the prime minister, “not even that.”
He points out that tonight, in a conversation with Andrija Mandi and Milan Kneev, he said that he would not support a minority government or an expert government in his life. “They told me that they would support the Kneevi government, although they don’t participate in it. I said great. You make decisions, I don’t interfere in that. It shows how much influence Serbia has, because if you ask me if I would,” I would not support any government. It’s their business, “Vui said.
When asked what it would be like to meet Ukanov and Markovic in Podgorica, Vui said that he would meet Krivokap and Ukanov, because they are the highest officials in Montenegro.
When asked if Amfilohije’s death could affect the position of the Serbian Orthodox Church in Montenegro and the Serbian people, Vui said we will see.
“I believe that our Serbian church, wisely led by Patriarch Irinej and the bishop, will manage to further raise the energy of the Serbian people and want to remain alone with the people with whom they bear the same surname,” Vui said, adding that he believed that Amfilohije to learn many lessons.
Vui said that Serbia wants the best possible relations for Montenegro, but that he will not apologize for their political views, nor that Serbia is progressing faster.
When asked if his decision to come to Montenegro was a brave one, Vui said it was his duty and he didn’t think he was particularly brave.
“To fulfill the duty of the president of Serbia, so that no one gets angry, I think it is extremely responsible to be president of the Kuna council, but to be president of Serbia you need a nuance of greater responsibility and seriousness. It has nothing to do with courage. I think that shows the closeness of Serbia and Montenegro and the unity and unity of the Serbian people, “he said.
He added that these are things that are crucial to us.
“Amfilohije left a deep mark on the modern history of Serbia”
Vui reiterated that Metropolitan Amfilohije left a deep mark on the modern history of Serbia.
He said that he deserved the trip of the highest organs of Serbia and the Serbian people.
“We know how great and important he was, a person of exceptional charisma, a fantastic fighting spirit, a man who marked a whole climate,” said Vui.
He added that he is a man who has managed to do much more for himself than Montenegro himself.