WRITTEN TO MOTHER, SO HANGED HIM: New details about the suicide of Sasa Vidovic, the alleged shooter of the “scalar”


So says a well-informed source in the investigation into the suicide of Sasa Vidovic (37) of Bijeljina, the alleged shooter of the “clan of the scalp”, who committed suicide in the cell of the Foca Penitentiary two days ago, of ” Novosti “. He was serving a nineteen-year prison sentence, to which he was sentenced in June for the murder of 32-year-old Miroslav Lazarevic, who was shot to death on October 16, 2016 in a waiting room in East New Sarajevo.

As “Novosti” has learned, Vidović hanged himself around 4 in the afternoon in a special ward C of the Penitentiary, known to the public as “Alcatraz”, which is the most strictly guarded part of the prison, with the prisoners more dangerous.

– The investigation established that Vidović hung himself on the front door handle, using a belt from the bag he had in his cell. No traces were found indicating a possible crime, reveals an investigation source.

Our interlocutor explains that on Monday nothing indicated that Vidović could harm himself. He behaved as usual. He trained in the gym, he was walking and 15 minutes before hanging himself, he spoke to one of the guards. Some time later, the guard heard a knock in the cell, opened the door and found him tied to them.

Srdjan Vukanovic, spokesman for the Trebinje District Prosecutor’s Office, says that Vidovic was showing signs of life when the guards found him, so they called an ambulance, which tried to resuscitate him, but without success.

– He was alone in the cell, and surveillance camera footage indicates that no one was in the hallway at the critical moment. An autopsy was not ordered and the body was turned over to the family, Vukanović said.

The motive for Lazarevic’s murder is unknown and the police claimed that it was an orderly liquidation from criminal circles, but the perpetrator was not identified. Just before the first instance verdict was pronounced in September last year, Zeljko Bulatovic (55), father of the second defendant Aleksandar Bulatovic, was assassinated in Novi Sad, who was sentenced to 16 years in prison. As one of the reasons, a possible revenge for the murder of Lazarevic was mentioned, but that crime was not clarified either.

Vidović has been previously convicted and was a security person. He was close to the “clan of the scalp” and according to the operational data of the police, he was considered his shooter who was linked to various liquidations.


In 2016, the Serbian Interior Ministry filed a report against Vidović on suspicion that he participated in the assassination attempt of the alleged leader of the “Kavač clan”, Slobodan Kašćelan, and his bodyguard, Vladimir Vucković, in Novi Sad, who received a shot from a motorcycle. An investigation was also carried out against him in connection with the murder of the leader of the Partizan fans, Aleksandar Stanković, who was killed that day three years ago, but there is no evidence that he committed that crime. Stankovic was killed three days before Lazarevic, identically. The killers shot both of them with automatic rifles while driving in their cars.

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