Wow, I have a lot of questions, drop the number, so I’ll call you tonight. WHAT IS PUTTING CHIPS IN THE VACCINE?


VRANJANAC SAID TO GATES ON TWITTER: Wow, I have a lot of questions, let him post the number, so I'll ask you tonight WHAT ARE YOU PLACING CHIPS IN THE VACCINE?

Ilustracija, Photo: AP Markus Schreiber, Shutterstock

Since the coronavirus epidemic began, and especially when people started talking about vaccines, one of the most mentioned people is Bill Gates.

This American billionaire is a favorite subject of several conspiracy theories, with one of them saying that he wants to use the crown to implant microchips under the skin of all of us.

Faced with that, a Serbian decided to joke with Bill about how he should behave with the chip under his skin and what side effects he could expect from him, so he sent him a message on Instagram.

– Hello Uncle Bill, let me ask you something related to this vaccine where you put chips … Do I need to update the chips annually or can I crack? Can you go outside while it’s thundering? If you follow me through it, can a woman go to google maps and see me lock myself in a bar? Wow, I have a lot of questions, let me know the phone number, so I’m calling you tonight, to call me to apologize, I don’t have many minutes … – it was written in the message.

The message of this man from Vranje (judging by the writing style) spread on social media and made many of our citizens laugh.


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