WORLD MEDIA ABOUT PATRIARCH IRINEJ “Conservative who had great political influence”


The world’s largest media today reported the news of the death of Serbian patriarch Irinej, and the Australian newspaper “Canberra Times” also broadcasts the atmosphere from Belgrade and claims that many church bells rang in honor of the leaders of the SOC and that many people flocked to the Church of Saint Sava. I would pay tribute to the patriarch.

The newspaper claims that Patriarch Irinej passed away at the age of 91, a decade after he was appointed head of the Serbian Orthodox Church, and estimates, like some other media, that he was “a conservative patriarch who had significant political influence.” .

The US television network CNN reported that Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić announced this morning that Patriarch Irinej passed away as a result of the corona virus.

CNN recalls that Irinej contracted the corona virus three days after attending the funeral of the Metropolitan of Montenegro and the Litoral, Amfilohije, in Montenegro, in which a small number of people adhered to the measures against the corona virus.

Turkish television TRT today broadcast the news of the death of the Serbian patriarch, recalling that Irinej contracted the corona virus after attending the funeral of Metropolitan Amfilohije, who also died as a result of kovida19.

The influential British newspaper “Financial Times” briefly reported today that the head of the Serbian Orthodox Church passed away after being infected with kovid19.

The “New York Times” also writes that Patriarch Irinej passed away three weeks after he attended the funeral of Metropolitan Amfilohije, where thousands of believers gathered without respecting measures against the spread of the coronavirus.


The influential American newspaper writes that at Amfilohije’s funeral, many believers kissed his body, which was lying in an open coffin.

Earlier today, the British BBC, together with the chronology of hospitalization and deterioration of health, claimed that Irinej had a great political influence, recalling that he was at Amfilohije’s funeral on November 1, and November 4 turned out to be positive for the crown. virus.

– Thousands of people mourning the death of Amfilohije were at the funeral, they did not wear masks, nor was there social distance. Many loved the body of the metropolitan in an open coffin. All this happened, despite the growth of patients in Serbia and Montenegro and the warning from the authorities that the funeral with so many people is a threat to health – reported the BBC.

Britain’s Reuters agency writes that Irinej was a “conservative who had great political influence” and that his condition “drastically worsened on Thursday.”

– The Serbian Orthodox Church has around 12 million believers, mainly in Serbia, Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as in the United States, Australia and Western Europe – the text says, adding that Irinej opposed the independence of Kosovo and Metohija .

The US agency Associated Press writes that Irinej, “who criticized the EU’s policy towards Serbia, called for close relations with Russia.”

The AP notes that Irinej, when he became patriarch in January 2010 after the death of Patriarch Pavle, “was a moderate and committed choice of patriarch within the SOC factions,” but that “over the years, he took a tough and nationalist stance, which the SOC had during the wars of the 1990s in the Balkans. “
