“Words on paper are not enough until massive jobs are created”


Belgrade – US President’s envoy Riard Grenell told the Serbian people that they have held themselves accountable for the deal and that it means massive job creation.

Source: B92, Tanjug

Photo: EPA / Andrej Cukic

Photo: EPA / Andrej Cukic

As he said, “words on paper are not enough until jobs are created en masse.”

“This is the largest delegation in the United States with representatives from various agencies,” Grenel said. “We are here only two weeks after the agreement in Washington, you have the complete stump of Washington, this is a real commitment from the US government,” he said. “We would not be here if it weren’t for President Trump, who believed that more could be done, that the economy and jobs come to the fore. Promises have been made to the people of Serbia, we want them to hold us accountable,” he said.

Grenelle paid tribute to President Vui and Prime Minister Brnabi for their commitment to the process.

“Private sector initiatives are important because opening up opportunities for the private sector will be a 10 to 20 year process and it will be seen that well-paying jobs will be created very soon in IT, energy and infrastructure,” Grenel said.

“Serbs educated in America will come back and start businesses here, and then they will see growth,” he added.

The executive director of the DFC Development Financial Corporation, Adam Bohler, said today that the delegation in Belgrade has all the economic power of the US government.

He stated that economic normalization represents investment and new jobs. “An opportunity to think about what the future might look like instead of facing the past,” he said.

He said that it is something that everyone benefits from and that it will bring money to people’s deposits.

“You see, if we force economic normalization, this region will work and create incredible opportunities.”

Meetings between representatives of the Serbian and Kosovo Chambers of Commerce with the special adviser to the President of the USA Riard Grenel and the delegation of the American Development Finance Corporation, DFC.

ade: Grenelle changed her approach to solving complex issues

The president of the Serbian Chamber of Commerce, Marko Ada, claimed that the special adviser to the president of the United States, Riard Grenel, had successfully changed the approach to solve complex and difficult issues and unlocked the cooperation process.

“Thanks to that, today we are talking about common business and interests, and not about what divides us,” he said after a meeting of representatives of the Serbian and Kosovo chambers of commerce with Grenel and the delegation of the Development Finance Corporation. American DFC, and thanked Grenel for that.

“It is a very broad process, which has been blocked for years, and this approach has made it possible to sit down in Washington and sign the agreement,” Ada said.

He noted that history will show that we will remember this as a turning point and that it will bring stability to this region.

Ade also thanked DFC leader Adam Boler for coming to Belgrade so quickly.

“When we met two weeks ago in Washington, when I asked him how quickly they could come, he said ‘in two months.’

He points out that they had very fruitful talks in the last six months that there are numerous opportunities in Serbia and the so-called Kosovo.

He also thanked the President of the Kosovo Chamber of Commerce, Berat Rukii, for cooperating well for five years and for creating a joint project support team, providing expertise to governments.
