Women, this saint fulfills ONLY ONE WISH today! Just do this


Today, the festival is dedicated to Saint Tekla, a saint from the time of early Christianity, of whom little is known in Serbia, although part of her relics are preserved in our neighborhood.

Sveta Tekla spent her childhood and youth like any other Iconium girl: she studied embroidery, housework, and was preparing for marriage. However, when she was 18 years old, Tekla went to preach to the Apostle Paul and this event radically changed her life.

The story goes that Tekla, delighted, listened to Paul for three days and three nights, and after that she completely turned to faith and bequeathed her virginity to Christ. Angry that her daughter no longer wants to marry, her mother beat her and starved her to death, and when that didn’t help, she went to the local judge and asked to burn Tekla. The judge granted her mother’s wish, however, to everyone’s surprise, it was revealed that the Tekli fire was unable to do anything. After that, the girl went with the apostle Paul, helping him and preaching life according to Hirst’s commandments.

A life full of temptations and problems.

However, that was not the end of his troubles. Attracted by the girl’s beauty, the old man of the city they came to tried to kidnap her, and when the girl managed to escape, he accused her of being a “Christian who hates marriage.” The authorities condemned her and threw her to the wild beasts, however, they did not want to touch Tekla either. The old man of the city had no choice but to set her free, and she continued to preach the Gospel and managed to convert many polytheists.

After this, the saint wanted to be alone and dedicate herself to prayer and, with the blessing of the Apostle Paul, she withdrew to a deserted place, dedicating herself to healing the sick. Legend has it that local doctors and herbalists became jealous of Tekla and that they sent a group of young men to rape her and thus desecrate her. Seeing that she could not escape the pursuers, Santa Tekla asked God for help and at that moment a stone opened in front of her and hid her. According to tradition, this was the tomb of the just and faithful bride of Christ, Tekla.

photo: Wikipedia

Help needy believers

Because of the love for God that she showed during her life, this saint is taken as an example for all those who want to persevere in their plans. Sveta Tekla is believed to help everyone who starts doing something that day and gets into trouble. Just ask sincerely and spiritual help will come.

Saint Tekla is considered the “first martyr” among women and also their protector. People believe that today, for women who go to church and sincerely ask for a saint, a wish will be fulfilled as long as they sincerely love and believe it.


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