Women in Serbia were asked which actor they would spend New Year’s Eve with – they chose from FOUR NAMES, but this answer won out convincingly


And they chose between Tom Hardy, Bradley Cooper, Brad Pitt and Vincent Cassel. The women’s responses are extremely interesting and read:

“Tom Hardy offered, although I think Brad is an extra guy, regardless of appearance, in general, a class on everything, like this: Gerald Butler, Denzel Washington, Keanu Reeves (modesty is an incredibly attractive trait for me)” , “Bradley, Bradley, where have you been all my life. A teenage affair. So an ace like a door.”, “None. Drink, but my taste is specific”, “Until midnight Bradley, and then … Mes Kassel “,” Hardy and Kassel “,” A dead race between Brad and Tom Hardy. Um … I think I’ll go with Hardy. But just because of the British accent “,” Kassel, I wasn’t fascinated until I saw him in ” Black Swan “,” I don’t think anyone will replace Brad Pitt, but there is a close race between him and Bradley. “

Don’t forget to comment on the topics of the day at the beginning of the year on the most influential women’s forum in the ana rs region.

Vincent Cassel

Vincent CasselPhoto: Profimedia

Some women revealed that they would look forward to the New Year with Kevin Costner, Russell Croome … And a comment like this appeared: “Fortunately nobody wanted Al Pacino, we will be alone.”

Tom hardi

Tom hardiPhoto: Profimedia

However, the winning comment was written by a woman who chose her partner from all the famous names offered.

And who would you spend the perfect New Year’s Eve with?
