And they chose between Tom Hardy, Bradley Cooper, Brad Pitt and Vincent Cassel. The women’s responses are extremely interesting and read:
“Tom Hardy offered, although I think Brad is an extra guy, regardless of appearance, in general, a class on everything, like this: Gerald Butler, Denzel Washington, Keanu Reeves (modesty is an incredibly attractive trait for me)” , “Bradley, Bradley, where have you been all my life. A teenage affair. So an ace like a door.”, “None. Drink, but my taste is specific”, “Until midnight Bradley, and then … Mes Kassel “,” Hardy and Kassel “,” A dead race between Brad and Tom Hardy. Um … I think I’ll go with Hardy. But just because of the British accent “,” Kassel, I wasn’t fascinated until I saw him in ” Black Swan “,” I don’t think anyone will replace Brad Pitt, but there is a close race between him and Bradley. “
Don’t forget to comment on the topics of the day at the beginning of the year on the most influential women’s forum in the ana rs region.
Vincent CasselPhoto: Profimedia
Some women revealed that they would look forward to the New Year with Kevin Costner, Russell Croome … And a comment like this appeared: “Fortunately nobody wanted Al Pacino, we will be alone.”
Tom hardiPhoto: Profimedia
However, the winning comment was written by a woman who chose her partner from all the famous names offered.
And who would you spend the perfect New Year’s Eve with?