WOLF’S DAD’S WORDS BREAK YOUR HEART “I got a job in Alaska. They say it’s hard work, and I say


You probably know Stojan Grujicic. He is the father of little Vuk Grujicic, who, when he was born, weighed only 470 grams and was smaller than his father’s hand.

One day, Stojan’s life was at a turning point. He was waiting to be told that his pregnant wife was carrying a mallet on little Vuk’s stomach.

He had one of the most difficult decisions of his life ahead of him.

Stojan and his wife Aleksandra have been fighting for years to give their son everything. At one point, the boy’s father found himself in a desperate situation, faced with a decision that brought people to tears on the domestic Internet. With your permission, we are transmitting Stojan’s words in their entirety.

I wanted to tell you. We were in a very difficult financial situation, so I applied to go to Alaska for work. A friend who gave years there gave a guarantee, a recommendation and here comes an invitation that I am welcome for the next season and what to send from the paper. Joy, sadness …

At that time, Vuk, my wife and I were not one day apart during those six years. It was that kind of fight I think you know. And now to go to the end of the world … In my head there are scenes of ambulances, chases, attacks, problems, hospitals, sleepless nights … And on the other hand, damn bills.

It was not easy, I was ready, because I said I would go to Mars for them if necessary, and not to Alaska … They say – I work hard, and I say: you don’t know how difficult, you don’t know not to sleep for months because we drink from the hand the child so that he does not break the cannulas and brownies, when you do not sleep you watch him sleep and you look at his eyes with each pull and where he looks, there is a damn attack …

What is difficult? Dirty hands or a tired back against a heart that breaks and shatters staring at what it cannot accept? And how can I let her take care of Vuk alone? That’s fine?

Can’t we hear each other? That I can’t help her, that I can’t hold them? Well they know I would jump in the water and swim if they didn’t call me or feel like something was wrong … Damn money … Damn bills, therapy, medicine … It took me a long time to tell them …

The moment I told him, I saw everything that went through my head for days, I saw our life, I saw how fragile we are and yet how tough we are …

She looked at me and I realized that our life is such that we have to be next to each other because we are very strong.

It’s simple, just feel it and understand where you are, where you belong and who you need. I just said don’t worry, we’ll fight like this. Don’t worry, he showed her his hands … She knows why and what that means! I’m writing this because we miss mom hoping she’ll bring us a bat and we’ll be together again!
