With what symptoms should the child NOT be sent to school and kindergarten?


Every parent knows that this is the time when children start snoring, drooling, having a fever … but what confuses them now and why some panic is how to deal with all these symptoms in the era of the coronavirus.

Should I immediately withdraw the child from school and kindergarten, for how many days, should I take him to the doctor immediately, or perhaps to the Kovid clinic, should I do a PCR test on his own initiative, should I inform all people you came in contact with? … There are many questions for concerned parents.

Photo: nr / RAS Serbia

First, what is a fact is that every September, October onwards, mainly that return to the collective, represents the beginning of the season of respiratory infections. Add to this the allergy season that is still going on. Children cough, have a fever, runny nose, and scratch their throat. That would be nothing to worry about in any other September, but not this fall in the year of the crown.

The truth is that parents, more than ever, must be prepared to take sick leave more often, because even for the slightest symptom, children will have to withdraw from school or kindergarten. Add to that the fact that spending a lot of time with grandparents is not highly recommended, so forget about grandma’s service this fall and winter.

Kindergarten Notice

This is supported by the fact that, for example, the parents of children from the central capital municipality received a notification indicating that “in case of suspected respiratory infections in a child, parents, schoolchildren and other members of the Joint household, until an accurate diagnosis is obtained, 19 the child is not taken to kindergarten. “

In addition, it is further indicated in the notice to parents, to which “Blic” had access, in case of suspicion of kovid 19 or evidence of one or both parents, a child, members of a joint household or children of school age, the child is not taken to kindergarten until results are obtained.

Of course, it is also established that a child should not be taken to kindergarten if one of the members of the family or the common household is isolated due to a confirmed infection or risky contact.

Treat any discomfort seriously

So what should parents do? That is, exactly with what symptoms children should never go to school and kindergarten.

Photo: Tanjug / AP

– With the first cough, fever, not to mention! If any symptoms of a respiratory infection appear, the child should be taken to a doctor for tests, mainly a blood test, and to determine what is happening to the child. I am extremely cautious in this situation – emphasizes for “Blic” Dr. Dejan Joneva, pediatrician at the “Dr. Simo Milosevic” Health Center.

He explains that for now, “the symptoms of the coronavirus are very rich and colorful.”

It ranges from classic symptoms of respiratory infections to stomach problems, so any discomfort should be treated seriously.

Dr. Jonev adds that this attitude must exist not only because of the corona virus, but also because of preventing the spread of other diseases to which children are more susceptible in large groups, and even preserving children’s immunity.

There must be awareness of the gravity of the situation.

Concluding that this means sickness at the first “cough” and runny nose (the truth is that many parents before the era of the crown sent their children to school and kindergarten and when they coughed and drool, even “nothing serious”), Dr. Jonev admits that it is a big problem, but also says that there must be awareness of the seriousness of the situation.

– I had a case when a father brought his daughter with symptoms of a respiratory infection and immediately asked him if he should call his company and tell him that his daughter was sick. Fortunately, the girl had a bacterial sore throat. It is understandable that parents care primarily about their children, but there should also be that dose of responsibility so that both the father and the mother can spread the virus in their workplace. That is why we try to meet the needs of our parents as much as possible and give them certificates of sick leave – says this pediatrician.

In the end, he concludes that the situation is not enviable, but that we must be careful.

Each problem should be treated seriously and, if necessary, the child should be isolated and his behavior controlled.

Dr. Jonev asks that awareness be maintained that the situation is serious and called for the responsibility of all citizens for the common good.

Prof. Epidemiologist also spoke about children and schools today. Dr. Branislav Tiodorović, who said that “we do not have a situation where schools have to be closed due to an increased number of sick children, nor are we anywhere near such a situation.”

“Employers must have understanding”

In three schools in Nis there were children who do not come to school due to symptoms similar to the coronavirus, and Dr. Tiodorović pointed out that this was to be expected and that it is very important that in these situations it is demonstrated that parents, educators and the system of health monitor the situation. daily and respond in a timely manner.

He also said that employers must understand that the mother or father has the right to keep the child, if there is a suspicion that he is infected with the corona virus.

– You must understand that a worker who is free to think about whether a child is good will be a better executor of work when he comes to work after those few days with a child, than being forced to work and sending a child to daycare or the school. it is not completely healthy, ”Tiodorović warned.

Corona symptoms in children are different than in adults

Let us also remind you of foreign research according to which coronary symptoms in children are different from those that occur in adults.

That is, diarrhea and vomiting can be key symptoms of kovid-19 in children, say researchers at Queen’s University in Belfast.

– In our group, diarrhea and vomiting were more predictive than, say, cough or even smell and taste disorders. If you really want to diagnose an infection in children, you need to start looking for diarrhea and vomiting, and not just respiratory symptoms, said one of the study’s authors, Tom Waterfield.

Video: What measures should children comply with in schools?
