With these words, Ruzic took over the Ministry of Education and found that he was nervous!


I AM NOT DOSITEJ, NOR WOLF: With these words, Ruzic took over the Ministry of Education and discovered that he was nervous.

Photo: Tanjug / Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development

BELGRADE – New Minister Branko Ruzic, who has just sat down in the chairmanship of the Ministry of Education and Science, says he is aware that there will be criticism and that people will say that it is inappropriate for a politician to lead such an important and valuable system, but points out that it is positive. because he is convinced that he can help education never again be an “orphan” state.

Especially since, as he says, investments are now being systematically made in those areas.

“It is important to continue with the reforms that have begun,” he told Tanjug, citing the continuation of the work of the Educational Strategy – 2027, then the “State Maturity” that is planned to be introduced in 2022, but also the development of the Unified System of Educational Information. (JISP), which is scheduled to start from April 2021.

As for the criticism he expects, he says: “I am not a guardian, I am not Dositej Obradovic, I cannot implement reforms like Vuk Karadzic, but in any case I want to help, I think I have the potential. I think I will have a great team and I will succeed. “.

The fact that, as he says, you have passed all the steps of the educational system, except that of acquiring scientific knowledge, will also help you in that. You believe that you have enough experience and that you can contribute and help to take, in a limited time, a step forward in the educational system.

“I am not sure that any minister of education in the previous period has been praised, he has always suffered criticism. I can accept that on my humble shoulders. Of course, it is going to weigh me down personally, and I don’t really care because it is not about this”. “A minister, ministers are a passing category, this is a system. I think we can only improve the system even more,” he said.

Asked which is the weakest link in the educational system, he said that he does not want to look at the weakest links, but rather to determine through analyzes, which have already been done, which are the deficiencies in the educational system that can slow down development in some way. .

“Education and science in Serbia will never elect orphans again. I think it is important and we have confirmed this in the past eight years as the Government of Serbia. Of course, there are still many criticisms, many demands, many individual problems that to Sometimes they are the subject of public attention. That the system itself is not working. Of course, I am ready to take full responsibility for myself, “Ruzic said.

He says he will talk to the presidents of state and private universities, students, about how to improve further education. Announces that the social dialogue with the representative unions will continue.

“I had the opportunity to meet all these wonderful people from the representative education unions in the previous period in terms of the reform of the salary system, salary qualifications, as the coordinator of negotiations with the unions of all public services. They always had clear arguments, from their perspective, I’m sure they still do. There is no reason why social dialogue should not continue, ”said the minister.

Any politicization of history in that sphere, he points out, does not help those whose interests the unions fight for.

He was unable to specify when the salary grades will be introduced, but says that with the formation of the government, negotiations on the pay grades will intensify.

He recalls that one of the reasons for the postponement of the introduction of salary grades is the fact that the Government of Serbia allowed sectoral wage increases every year and that those sectoral increases required further financial analysis by the Ministry of Finance.

He knows that salary qualifications will not be easy to reach, but he is willing to “make an effort” as Education Minister. He is convinced that he will have the support of the other two ministries, the Ministry of State Administration and Local Self-Government and Minister Marija Obradović, and the Ministry of Finance and Minister Siniša Mali.

“I don’t think it’s easy to begin with, but I don’t think it’s too difficult. It’s important to feel the momentum coming from the whole system. It really is a huge system and about three million citizens of Serbia are working here directly and indirectly. “It is not logical for someone to praise the Minister of Education,” he said.

Remember that the education system, in addition to health, is the most important system in Serbia.

Asked what will be his first steps and priority in his work, Ruzic replied that it is about preserving the health of students, but also of teachers, professors and professors.

As he said, the crisis staff will give proposals for measures in relation to the epidemiological situation in which Serbia finds itself.

“With the arrival of the colder days, we arrive at that the numbers are more negative. Our interest is to preserve continuity, so that life continues and if there is not a dramatic threat to the health of students, teachers and professors, let us not take more radical measures. they are members of the Crisis Staff and will be consulted, “Ruzic said.


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