Epidemiologist Predrag Kohn said tonight that when kindergartens offer to work, the most basic thing will be for teachers to be evaluated and for the evaluation of children to be optional.
Source: Beta, N1

Photo: B92. archive
But, he adds, it is a medical examination.
Kon told N1 television that a third of Belgrade parents had stated that they wanted to send their children to kindergartens and that it was difficult to provide child protective equipment.
The immunologist Ms. Jankovi estimated that the higher the risk of going to kindergarten, if the children were with the grandparents.
Speaking about vaccination, Jankovi said it was not desirable or necessary to delay vaccination.
“Prerequisites must be provided at the health center level. There should be no risk that healthy children are at risk of making money. This is accomplished by separating them from the sick children section, as under normal conditions,” he said.
Epidemiologist Branislav Tiodorovi confirmed Tuesday that the nurseries will be open from May 11, with, he said, good preparation and a stay in the car for children up to 12 years old.
He said he planned to start working about a third of the kindergarten.
The proposal by the Serbian president to ban the movement next weekend from Thursday at 6 pm to Saturday at 5 o’clock is different from the type of opinion of epidemiologists that the ban on contacts this weekend , that is, the movement, will be discussed in the taboo of the crisis, said epidemiologist Predrag Kon. Immunologist Mrs Jankovi at Presing.
“It was (suggested) in a conversation, with the elderly who could walk freely during that ban. It is a compromise. We see what the reaction to the Tabu Crisis will be, this is the opposite of our attitude,” he said. With.
Serbian President Alexander Vui said he will propose to the Crisis Tab medical section tomorrow that the ban on movement during the May Day holiday will last from Thursday, April 30 at 6 pm until Saturday, May 2 at 5 A.M.
“Surely we will know this, what I can say is that, of course, the heart of the measure is to make contacts, to prohibit movement is to do it. Somehow we must restrict contacts, it is necessary for everyone to see that, whether prohibited or not , and still the extended contacts, the socialization that can occur both on Saturday and Sunday, jeopardize the success of the epidemic. It doesn’t have to happen, and I’m sure it won’t, as long as we don’t have enough contacts, ” Jankovi said.
Cohn reiterated that the representatives of the taboo party, mainly epidemiologists, fully agreed that a ban on contacts should be issued once again, that is, since the opposite could not be guaranteed, then it was a ban on movement.
“In the meantime, the situation is improving, and then it’s like a stump, and that’s one of the reasons why we functioned as riders,” Cohn said, adding that the idea was to relax more than 65 years.
“But we are not aligned … we understand this need, like other people … but we know that this means the frequency of the contacts,” he added.
He also said that only the second day in Serbia is less than five percent positive compared to those analyzed.
The Yankees agreed with Con.
“It is the price we would all pay, we give up downtime, but the price is worth the payment. This will cement the solid success of saving lives. The price may be to spoil everything we have done. May 1 is a time. where people hang out. ” but it is a solidarity party. That same solidarity should lead us to sacrifice this party, “said N1 reports.